Jonnychill’s Wild Greymane Shaman

Class: Shaman - Format: wild - Type: aggro - Season: season-48 - Style: theorycraft

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Here is my early take on Wild Genn Greymane Shaman any ideas or feedback is welcome to help me refine the list. I think wild is good for a Greymane deck thanks to a larger card pool and Shaman might be a good Choice because it has access to some of the strongest 2, 4 and even 6 drops in the game. I have included the Jade package since most of those are even as well as a couple of wild’s strong Totem synergy cards to take advantage of the reduced hero power. This is an aggressive build that aims to close out games early.

Card Choices

Totem Golem – One of those strong 2 drops I mentioned earlier and the MVP of Totems

Murkspark Eel – Another very strong 2 drop with great stats and an effect that can be used for tempo against aggro and burn against control

Whirling Zap-o-matic – Yet another one of the strongest and most aggressive two drops that if left unchecked can win games especially with a buff

Flametongue Totem – Speaking of buffs this card is fantastic in the deck to buff the cheap totems you create and to combo with cards like zapomatic

Dire Wolf Alpha – similar to flametongue works great with totems

Jade Claws – Another really good two cost card for shaman that also gets the jade train rolling

Lance Carrier – This one is up to interpretation but it is good with totems, I used to run it in zoolock back in the old gods meta after the abusive sergeant nerf with decent success but there are some sub options below

Flamewreathed Faceless – Moving on two the 4 drops and if you thought the two drops were tough check this guy out the infamous 4 mana 7/7 himself

Draenei Totemcarver – With all the totems you will have lying around thanks to Genn this could very well be a 4 mana 7/7 as well or even bigger

Piloted Shredder – The best neutral sticky 4 drop for aggressive and midrange decks enough said 

Spellbreaker – So if Cubelock and taunts are still a thing this will be necessary but if the meta changes you might be able to sub this out, I have listed some sub options below

Jade Lightning – Jades and burn baby

Aya Blackpaw – More Jades and one of the strongest 6 mana plays 

Fire Elemental – In my opinion one of the best 6 drops (seeing a theme here) can be used for burn or tempo, although I will admit that it might be better to cut this for some more cheap and aggressive cards depending on the meta and if you want to go full aggressive 

Thing from Below – Last but not least one of the biggest ways to take advantage of the reduced hero power and your other totems 

Card Sub Possibilities

Here are some other cards I considered that might also be good in the deck depending on what direction you want to take it

2 cost

Fallen Sun Cleric – this was suggested in the comments and it might be a better alternative to lance carrier in certain matchups

Crackle – If you wanna go for aggressive burn

Maelstrom Portal – Good tech against aggro

Primalfin Totem – More totems could never hurt, can also snowball games

4 cost

Master of Evolution – Might be a good 4 drop in the deck, fun one at least

Defender of Argus – Another buff for totems

Dark Iron Dwarf – Same as above

Jade Spirit – Brings Jades up to possible 8/8

Late Game

The Lich King – My favorite card personally

Ragnaros the Firelord – By fire be purged

Al'Akir the Windlord – put this guy next to a Flametongue 

As new cards come out this week I will update the list, I am really excited to try this out when the expansion goes live


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  1. DahKanyeBest
    March 25, 2018 at 12:32 am

    This deck has no card draw though. Have you been winning games without it? just feels like if the enemy can stop your steamroll early once you’ve used all of your cards you’re just fucked. I like this deck I’m about to try it right now, but just hoping that no card draw doesn’t completely screw me.

    • Jonnychill1331 - Author
      March 25, 2018 at 9:24 am

      If you find yourself needing card draw ancestral knowledge would be good or Cult Master. This deck wont really work until Greymane and Murkspark eel come out in the next expansion. If you wanna try it out before then I would add in Tunnel Trogg and Sir Finley

  2. Jonnychill1331 - Author
    March 24, 2018 at 1:58 pm

    Totally agree when it comes to overload I was thinking the same thing when I was deciding what decks might be good. I honestly didn’t even think of fallen sun cleric kinda forgot about him. He would probably be better in aggro matchups since he gives the extra health stat, lance carrier might be better in control matches especially if you stick his buff on a zipomatic. I will have to playtest both and see which one performs better overall. Definitely adding him in the card sub section, thanks!

  3. Murakami
    March 24, 2018 at 11:44 am

    I think Shaman may be the best class for even/odd decks, because overload makes the deck building restriction much less punishing. For instance dropping a Totem Golem into another 2 drop is still utilizing all your mana. I think you should maybe consider adding the fallen sun cleric (the 2 man 2/1 give a minion +1/+1) since you can buff up your 1 cost totem from turn 1. Fallen sun cleric might just be a worse lance carrier since it has 1 health and does a similar thing, but with how popular pally is, having a 1/3 totem from the cleric buff may be more useful than the 2/2 totem from Lance Carrier.