Erio’s K&C Prince Temp Tech Rogue (December, 2017)

Class: Rogue - Format: mammoth - Type: tempo - Season: season-45 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

against warlock (Zoo or Cube or Control) ALWAYS keep Harrison and/or Spellbreaker, against Priest ALWAYS keep a spellbreaker, especially dragon priest, they are extremely effective against twilight drakes and other minions. Everything fits together well, and if you're in a matchup say with a pirate warrior, well you hope that Eater of Secrets becomes a 4mana 3/5 body that can be used to activate combo's late in the game - but because of the extreme popularity of Secrets Mage as well as Aggro/Murloc Paladins running Hydrologist as well as Hunters of all types, Eater is a logical choice. I think the cards drawn from swashburgler x2 and shaku can often give great assistance in winning games. If you're playing a mirror match, or are up against a less popular class currently(Druid, Warrior etc) - Corridor Creeper is always a good keep IF AND ONLY IF you have a turn 1/2 play to get minions on the board. 

This is, with perhaps one maybe two exceptions, the most streamlined and reactively playable version of Prince Keleseth Tempo Rogue that I have come up with. Frankly, each of the tech cards are very powerful in the current meta. Stonehill is a 3 mana decent taunt that nearly always generates another excellent taunt to follow up with if needed. Xaril is in the deck instead of Edwin due to his 1mana spells that can serve as combo activators for Minstrel, Vilespine, and SI:7 – Bonemare , in my opinion isn’t as strong in Tempo Rogue as it used to be – the fact is that by turn 7 in most games you’ve already made most of the major decisions that will affect the outcome of the game. Eater of Secrets is very strong because there’s tons of Mages, Hunters, and Paladins on the ladder right now in current meta, secrets mage and agro pally are two of the decks I encounter most. Unlike the older versions pre-K&C, Prince K Tempo Rogue usually wins the game in the first 8-15 turns, not longer than that, and because of that, cutting cards like Bonemare x2 for Eater of Secrets and Stonehill Defender makes a lot of sense to me – I feel fine in only including 1 si:7 agent, because of shadowstep, though you should try to save the shadowsteps for (in this order) 1)Prince K 2)Fal’Dorei Strider 3) Leeroy(for lethal) 4)Elven Minstrel – I think this is a very strong build and have had a very high win % with it.

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