C’trol warrior – Legend Season May 2016

Class: Warrior - Format: kraken - Type: control - Season: season-26 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

In general, you look for your low c'thun buffs: Beckoner, Disciples and ofc your Fiery win axe. Depending of your match, also can keep the acolyte and/or ravaging ghoul.

Aggro Mulligans

For aggro, all is in searching good trades and get armor all the time. So still keep the low mulligan, keeping special attention to the kind of enemy: shaman will require you get your brawl fast, hunter is in fact pretty easy if you get your ghoul in the early phases of the game. Never keep harrison, even agains shaman. Additionally, depending on your hand, keeping the shield block or shield slam isn't a bad idea ( you can use the second one with your armor to avoid face tanking a huffer, for example )

Combo Mulligans

Right now there are few combo decks, mainly miracle rogue. This can be hard if get the right draw, but your armor is a key here. get all you can, so you can survive the final attack from malygos or cold blood combo. brawl usually gives you the win against that sthealthed board, and C'thun is also a usefull removal in that cases. OTK priest or warr are usually weak againt this kind of decks, without the enough board to reduce your armor you can be a raid boss pretty easy. Also try to draw all you can so you can get answers for their combos asap.

Control Mulligans

The perfec match. Mulligan as general, and just keep getting armor as hell. Control Warrior is pretty easy, just keep trading in a favorable way to maintain the board presence. Don't feel bad about facetanking, you have the shieldbeares to do the job, and Harrison is a keep for Gorehawl, ofc. Mage Frezze are easiest than ever with the crazy amount of armor that this deck provides. Priest is really hard, the entomb can make you suffer a lot: the best chance will be to prey the entomb with your sylv, and play c'thun asap, if he kill him, doomcaller will give you the victory at least, also with all the armor, you can always change your play to a fatigue battle. Against ramp druid, sometimes, I keep an execute: perfect for that innervate shenaningans.

Hi all, I’m Jeciani, multiple legend player of control decks (Really enjoy hard thinking all my plays xD)

This deck lead me to legend all the way this season. Nice results against most of the current meta, with the normal hard counters in priests.

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  1. Kraftwerks
    May 13, 2016 at 12:26 pm

    excellent balanced deck my friend.