CephaSapper’s KFT Budget Midrange Hunter (Only 7 rares, no Epic or Legendary)

Class: Hunter - Format: mammoth - Type: midrange - Season: season-41 - Style: budget

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Deck Import


Control Mulligans

Be careful of picking Kindly Grandmother or Alleycat, as Priests are able to easily use Potion of Madness to clear your board.

A more potent version of Midrange Hunter, adapted to a shifting meta towards slower games and control decks

The deck runs only 1 of some cards, because:

Scavenging Hyena:

-It is underwhelming when played on-curve, as it trades poorly into other 2 drops with 2/3 statline.

-It is unreliable as it requires a board of beasts for trading to build its stats.

-However, it is still immensely powerful when friendly beasts can trade into enemy minions.

Eaglehorn Bow & Deadly Shot:

– A copy of Eaglehorn Bow has been swapped with Deadly shot for additional- albiet random- killing power against enemy minions.

– Both cards are flexible: Eaglehorn Bow is better against aggro-midrange decks as the multiple charges can kill more minions, while Deadly Shot is better against Control Decks as it kills the minion regardless of health. Swap them to fit your meta!

Unleash the Hounds & Bearshark

A copy of Unleash the Hounds has been swapped with Bearshark for additional survivability against removal spells found in Midrange/Control decks.

-Both cards are flexible: Unleash the Hounds is better against aggro-midrange decks as the opponent is likely to have a greater board presence (for more hounds), while Bearshark is better against Control Decks as they are more reliant on removal spells instead of trading. Swap them to fit your meta!

Tundra Rhino

-Poorly stated when played on curve (which is what you aim to do with this deck). Usually used to combo with other beasts for a burst of damage.

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