Buff Shaman

Class: Shaman - Format: wild - Type: control - Season: season-55 - Style: fun

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Use tech cards like lightning storm, healing rain, and volcano to survive the early onslaught. You can also use the 3 drop taunts to help you through the early game, along with Giggling inventor. The goal of this deck is to get off Keleseth and Mistcaller, attempting to Zola one of these to do it again. The hope is that, upon playing shudderwock, your deck has +6,+6, and you can play a saronite with stats of up to 8,9. Also, upon playing Shuddewock, you hope to have at least one bone mare activated, so that you may use it as a way to generate emergency taunts. Elise is good in this deck because it allows a strong fatigue game. Having a few packs in your deck is amazing for winning control matchups. Hagatha allows for your shudderwock to be a board clear and generates you value throughout the game after playing her.

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