Class: Warrior - Format: raven - Type: aggro - Season: season-49 - Style: budget

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Introduction to Budget Aggro Face Warrior

While the majority of Aggro Warrior decks have been fully Pirate based, there have also been more weapon heavy versions that only somewhat relied on Pirates. This deck is the latter and is mostly all-or-nothing, so if you are into trades and having cards in your hand towards the end of the game then you might want to look elsewhere!

Thanks to Roffle for creating the decklist, I struggled to come up with something for Warrior that didn’t have an Epic in it!


The Witchwood brought Warrior a lot of cards that have the new keyword Rush. The Rush keyword allows you to drop a minion on the board and attack an opposing minion right away. This sounds a lot like Charge, but you can’t target your opponent’s face on the first turn. Witchwood also brought an interesting card for weapon decks with Hench-Clan Thug. This can be really solid if you have a weapon equipped, drop it on the board, and then remove one of your opponent’s minions.

This deck is missing one big piece, and that’s Town Crier. Crier is one of the best cards Warrior got in the expansion, and it absolutely fits in this list. If you want to play any type of Tempo Warrior in the future, you should craft them right away!

Budget Aggro Face Warrior Mulligan Guide

You are really looking for Worgen InfiltratorSouthsea DeckhandFaerie DragonBloodsail Raider, and Woodcutter’s Axe. The Axe is likely the most important card because it will help maintain your board so you can continue to get in face damage, and you can potentially buff one of your Rush minions. You can keep a 3-drop if you have a 1 and 2-drop, Hench-Clan Thug is particularly good with your weapon. Dread Corsair can be another good keep if you have the Axe with The Coin. This gives you a turn-2 weapon and the 3/3 Taunt for 2-mana on your following turn.

Upgrade! is a very situational keep. If your hand is in desperate need of the early weapon then you might want to keep it, so you can just play it as a 1-mana weapon. While you don’t want to always play it right away, it can be tremendously helpful for chipping away at minions and enabling Southsea Deckhand. It also pairs really well with Heroic Strike to remove Tar Creeper which is a card that is very problematic for this deck and is seen regularly.

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