Beast Hunter 630 Legend

Class: Hunter - Format: wolf - Type: midrange - Season: season-111 - Style: ladder

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Midrange Mulligans

Always vicious, spirits and poacher. Bananas if you have something to boost early. Azshara on coin or with banana/trinket tracker in hand. Trinket can be a keep  if you dont have other T1 or if you have vicious. Harpoon always good to have to highroll. Hydralodon on coin against rogue can be extremely good. Pozzik on coin is a keep. Same with Arrow smith against Pala, Hunters and agressive board match-ups or with spells/trinket in hand. Try to not greed it to much, playing it on 2 or 1 with coin if you have bananas can be a hell for most aggro decks to deal with. Against control match-ups like Blood DK and Mage you can think of keeping ETC to play Lorthemar as fast as possible and rekt them with multiple 16/16. Astalor never a keep imo.

Try to keep tempo, seek for your early game cards such as Vicious and seeds, harpoon gun for highroll, fight for the board. ETC is here to offer you more sheer power with Lorthemar that boost Krush for OTK against control decks, mostly Blood DK if you dont get Patchwerked, get you a strong aoe on 5 if needed with stars, or Quel’Thalas if you think you will be able to keep the board, also a big boost to all minions in your deck. The choice here outside of Lorthemar are fairly debatable, matter of your meta/taste. Castle Kennels is excellent in combination with monkeys and mostly hollow hounds for better regen/clears/keeping the board against aggro like pallys or simply adding some face damages. Azshara depending of the situation, the ring that copy a spell for double Stranglethorn heart against control match-ups, colossal for every generic/aggro situations, weapon if you have a good amount of bananas/monkeys to finish or spells if you are really running out of solutions/cards in hand, but that’s the last resort, it’s bad overhaul. Don’t overkeep faithfull companions, playing it agressively on 7 is often really good, you can greed it for the double Krush VS Control of course but always at the risk of drawing it first. Astalor for the one spot win condition. You can add the finale 1/3 but i think it’s pretty mediocre in general since it isn’t a battlecry. Despite it can OTK pretty often, don’t think too much of this deck as combo, play tempo, agressive, curvy and adapt to the situation. Focusing too much about Krush OTK can make you miss faster winning plans as this deck can already put a serious amount of face damage without it.

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