Best Hearthstone Decks for Climbing the Ladder in Season 25 (April, 2016)!

Well, it doesn’t seem like there’s been a lot of change lately. Control Warrior has gone very defensive, and Midrange Shaman has suddenly popped onto the ladder. Mill Druid has become a thing due to the change (bug, that will be reverted) that Explosive Sheep will now clear the board of Trees spawned by Poison Seeds. The main news, however, is the potential release of Whispers of the Old Gods. If we’re lucky, we might actually see it sometime late this month, but with all the format changes coming along with the expansion, I wouldn’t be surprised to see it in May.

Before we get to the decks check out the new card back you’ll get for achieving rank 20 this season!

Clutch of Yogg-Saron

Decks to Climb the Ladder: Season 25

Fast Climb

Looking to rush your way to the top of the heap? These are the decks that will get you there…

Warlock Zoo is still a strong and powerful deck. The updated list now adds Leeroy Jenkins and Dr. Boom for burst and finishing power.

Aggro Shaman is still Windfury-ing into people’s faces all over the ladder.

Aggro Druid is a solid deck for moving up the ladder! And yes, Fel Reaver is a good card!

The Best Decks

These are pretty much hands down the best decks on the ladder right now.

It’s hard to argue with results, Vlps finished rank 13 on the NA Legendary Ladder with this Control Warrior. The deck is far more defensive now, and allows you to remove threats and gain tons of armor.

Not much of a surprise, but Secret Paladin is still making people rage on the ladder. The deck will be strong until Standard comes, and brings a new deck to make people rage on the ladder.

Midrange Combo Druid is still super strong, and still awaiting heavy nerfing.

Thijs finished high legend with a similar version of Patron Warrior. The deck is very solid, and can be fun to play!

Decks to Try

Here are some decks that you might want to try to change up your game and have some fun!

Eversiction started doing some work on the ladder with a very similar Midrange Shaman deck list, but once Amnesiac started playing it, it gained some popularity in the meta. It still has the same problems as most Shaman decks, but it does well against decks that can’t keep large boards clear.

wiRer finished rank 36 on the EU Legendary Ladder with a non-combo version of Midrange Druid. The deck even has our old buddy Cenarius in it! If you love Druid, but are tired of combo then this might be worth a try.

Brian Kibler did the majority of his climb to legend with this Unearthed Raptor Rogue deck list. It’s surprisingly decent, and can be a lot of fun to play. You should also get your Deathrattle fun in now, because a lot of these cards are getting rotated out once Standard hits!

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  1. Tetraluna
    April 5, 2016 at 4:56 am

    I’m pretty surprised to see no reno lock in this list, Irs definitely a strong contender in the current meta

  2. RedKan
    April 1, 2016 at 2:15 pm

    I meant to ask between needing to choose between a ladder one (aggro shaman, zoo and aggro druid). have u some info about pala agro rush deck to legend ladder?. thanks

  3. RedKan
    April 1, 2016 at 1:43 pm

    Every deck can reach legend, bu the best ones also beyond legend correct? hugs