Recruit Hunter ft. Master Oakheart

Class: Hunter - Format: raven - Type: control - Season: season-50 - Style: fun

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This is an archetype I’m trying hard to build, it’s a Hunter deck based on Master Oakheart.


The deck turns around this card which can summon Witchwood Grizzly without making it lose health. This is the main reason I like the idea of this deck. The other cards that can be summoned are :

– with 1 attack : Tar Creeper or Felsoul Inquisitor (not so good in hand but can be insane against Dude Paladin).

– with 2 attack : Tundra Rhino (excellent with the grizzly and can be very good as a combo with an upgraded Lesser Emerald Spellstone) or Mindbreaker which is used here in case you drawn both Rhinos already, it’s also pretty good in the starting hand because it can block Hunter’s hero power in Baku Hunter, it’s annoying to Even and Odd Paladin and it has a decent body.

Dire Frenzy is not an essential card  but I liked it in the few games I made with the deck, if you can use it on a Rhino or a Grizzly it’s really good, for Savannah Highmane as well (or a wolf if you really are in trouble).

Wing Blast is also a card I’m not 100% sure, the deck takes a lot of trades to control the game so it’s pretty good, and it can be used on the same turn of Master Oakheart if you take a trade with Rhino. I’ll play more and maybe replace it with Flanking Strike.

The other cards are classic for a hunter deck : secrets, spellstone, the weapons and Spellbreaker of course.

That’s it for now, I’ll keep playing the deck and make some replacements if required, let me know what you think and thanks for reading 🙂

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