The Grand Tournament: Card Clarifications & Interactions

We’ll be compiling all of the card interactions as described by Blizzard from the cards being released in the upcoming expansion The Grand Tournament. If you want to see a full card list from the set go here: The Grand Tournament Card List.

Most, if not all, clarifications are from CM Whirthun.

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Newest Card Clarification

Varian Wrynn

NEW: Do minions that have put into play use their Battlecry?

“Minions put into play by Varian do not activate their battlecries.” [Source]

NEW: What happens if you have Chromaggus while playing Varian?

“Any card put into your hand by Varian while Chromaggus is on the board produces a second copy.” [Source]

NEW: What happens if your hand is full with Varian? Do the minions get burned before they are put into play?

“If your hand is full, but Varian draws minions on to a board that’s not full then the minions get played.” [Source]

NEW: General Varian Wrynn Information

On Chromaggus: “You would not get copies of minions Varian puts directly on to the board. You would get copies of what he puts in hand.” [Source]

“Fun fact: If your board is full, Varian puts drawn minions into your hand. If Chromaggus is on board, you’d get a copy of the minion.” [Source]

Inspire (Keyword) Mechanic

Does Inspire happen before or after the Hero Power effect?

“After.” [Source]

Joust Mechanic

  • If you initiate the joust and the minions revealed both have the same mana cost it’s considered a tie and you lose the joust! [Source]
  • If your opponent has no minions, you win by default. [Source]
  • If you initiate the joust and have no minions then you lose the joust. [Source]
  • Cards are revealed to both players. [Source]
  • “Jousting reveals minions, not spells or weapons.” [Source]

When Joust is activated, and you reveal a Molten Giant, which stats are shown?

“The base cost of the Giant.” [Source]


Will Kel'Thuzad bring a new Anub’arak to the board while the original goes back to your hand?

“Yes, KT would create an additional Anub’arak on board as one Anub’arak was technically slain.” [Source]

Would Baron Rivendare return two Anub’arak to my hand?

“Two 4/4 Nerubians, one Anub’arak in hand.”  [Source]

Argent Watchman

Can Argent Watchman attack the turn it was played if a Hero Power is used?

No. [Source]

Can Argent Watchman attack if given Charge?

“If Argent Watchman is given Charge, he can still only attack if Inspire is triggered.” [Source]

Astral Communion

What happens if I cast this with 10 Mana Crystals?

“You cast it, your hand is discarded, Excess Mana is awarded.” [Source]

What happens if I cast this with less than 10 Mana Crystals?

You gain 10 Mana Crystals, discard your hand, and you do NOT receive an Excess Mana card.


If Aviana is on board and Emperor Thaurissan is cast will the reduced minions cost (0)?

“Yes. Emperor T will make Aviana reduced minions cost zero. If Aviana is removed, their costs revert to Emperor T costs.” [Source]

What about if Aviana comes into play AFTER Emperor Thaurissan?

“If Avianna comes into play after Emperor T, she makes minions cost 1. If Emperor T procs again, they cost zero.” [Source]

Charged Hammer

New Hero Power is called Lightning Jolt.

How much Mana does Lightning Jolt cost?

“Lightning Jolt costs 2 mana, as with other Hero Powers.” [Source]

If two Charged Hammer Deathrattle trigger will your Hero Power deal 3 damage?

“No.” [Source]

Will Justicar Trueheart upgrade the new Hero Power?

“Nothing happens. Justicar Trueheart only affects the 9 core Hero Powers.” [Source]

Coldarra Drake

“If you use your Hero Power then play Coldarra Drake, is it available? If Coldarra Drake dies, does your Hero Power exhaust?”

“If you Hero Power and play Coldarra Drake, your Hero Power refreshes. If Coldarra Drake dies, your Hero Power doesn’t exhaust.” [Source]

Darnassus Aspirant

If you use Darnass Aspirant with 10 Mana Crystals do you gain an Excess Mana card?

No. [Source]


Can we buff the Lord Jaraxxus Hero with Demonfuse?

“Nope!” [Source]

Druid of the Saber

Will Druid of the Saber turn into one of two creatures, and if so will they be Beasts?

“Yes. Both are Beast minions.” [Source]


Does Effigy spawn a minion equal to the original cost of the minion or the potentially discounted cost?

“Effigy spawns a minion equal to the original cost of the minion.” [Source]

More card clarifications after the jump!

Fallen Hero

How does it interact with the Hunter and Warlock Hero Power?

It makes the Warlock and the Hunter Hero Power deal 3 damage. [Source]

Does Shadowform do 3 damage and Ragnaros deal 9?

Correct. [Source]

Does Fallen Hero add +1 to Priest and Warrior Hero Powers?

No. [Source]

Does Fallen Hero stack?

Yes. [Source]

Fjola Lightbane

What happens if you cast Inner Rage on Fjola Lightbane?

“If you cast Inner Rage on Fjola, the Divine Shield appears and is broken. It essentially absorbs the Inner Rage damage.” [Source]

Fist of Jaraxxus

Does Fist of Jaraxxus trigger if burned from your deck?

“No. It needs to be discarded from hand.” [Source]

Frost Giant

If I change my Hero Power does the cost reduction for Frost Giant stay?

Yes. [Source]

If I used my Hero Power 10 times and procced Frost Giant from Duplicate, would it still be 0 Mana?

“Yes.” [Source]

Justicar Trueheart

Here are the upgraded Hero Powers.

Does Justicar Trueheart affect non-standard Hero Powers (Shadowform, Ragnaros, etc.)?

“Nope. Justicar Trueheart only affects standard Hero Powers.” [Source]

Does your new Hero Power persist for the rest of the match?

“Correct. Your Hero Power remains improved even after Justicar Trueheart is taken out.” [Source]

It has absolutely no effect if you’ve acquired a new non-standard Hero Power (Ragnaros, Jaraxxus, etc.)?

“Correct.” [Source]

Can I summon a Taunt totem while having a Taunt totem on board with Totemic Slam?

“It is possible to summon a duplicate of a totem with Totemic Slam, yes.” [Source]

If Justicar Trueheart is golden do you receive a golden Hero Power?

“Yes, if Justicar Trueheart is golden you receive a golden Hero Power.” [Source]

Does your Hero Power refresh if you use it before playing Justicar Trueheart?

“If you play Justicar Trueheart and she upgrades your Hero Power, then yes, it automatically refreshes.” [Source]

Kodo Rider

Will the summoned War Kodo be a Beast?

“Yes.” [Source]

Lock and Load

If you play Lock and Load into Quick Shot to empty your hand, do both cards trigger?

“Lock and Load awards you a card before Quick Shot procs.” [Source]

Does playing Lock and Load a second time make them stack?

“Lock and Load effects /do/ stack!” [Source]

Maiden of the Lake

If the Ragnaros hero spawns from Majordomo Executus would you be able to use the Hero Power 10 times?

Yes. [Source]

Nexus-Champion Saraad

Will Nexus-Champion Saraad generate Elite Tauren Chieftain spells?

“It has a chance to, yes.” [Source]


“Correction on my end: Nexus-Champion Saraad can ONLY grant collectible spells. No Bananas, Ysera spells, et cetera.” [Source]

Poisoned Blade

If Priest were to use a Hero Power with Poison Blade equipped does it gain +1 and the heal?

“You would get a +1 to the weapon and the Heal.” [Source]

SkyCap’n Kragg

Is SkyCap’n Kragg’s “Charrrrrge” ability different from regular “Charge” ability?

No, it’s just cooler. [Source]


Is the Spell given by Spellslinger the same for both players?

“It’s random for both players.” [Source]

Wilfred Fizzlebang

Interaction between Fizzlebang and Chromaggus? Do both cards get mana cost reduction?

“No. The Chromaggus card costs full mana.” [Source]

Do Mana reduced cards by Fizzlebang persist after he dies?

“Cards affected by Wilfred Fizzlebang cost zero mana even after his untimely death.” [Source]


Does Wrathguard deal overkill damage to your hero or is it capped at its current health?

“Wrathguard deals the exact amount of damage dealt to it. If you Shield Slam it for 30 damage, it deals 30 damage.” [Source]

Leave a Reply


  1. Gallahad
    August 10, 2015 at 3:17 pm

    There’s a typo under Lock and Load; Locak.

  2. Welton
    August 10, 2015 at 6:11 am

    If Coldarra Drake comes into play, I can use my heroic power without mana cost or how many times I want to mana over?

  3. Malygos
    July 30, 2015 at 1:15 pm

    Thanks for the clarifications! I would like to help you by adding this

  4. Kate
    July 27, 2015 at 11:06 am

    The new expansion looks pretty good! Finally some Shaman love <3

  5. Sco0oby
    July 26, 2015 at 5:41 pm

    Incase you are still updating this, you should color the ones that are new, so you dont have to read the whole post over and over 🙂

    • Evident - Author
      July 27, 2015 at 6:27 am

      I will try to add something that will signify new updates!

  6. Kratosblood
    July 25, 2015 at 1:52 pm


  7. James
    July 25, 2015 at 1:35 pm

    10 shoots of Ragnaros hero power. OP.

    • Meruem_HS
      July 31, 2015 at 12:28 am

      it will be hard to got that combo

  8. Marcelo
    July 23, 2015 at 9:55 am

    How fallen hero works with priest auchenai? +1 dmg?