Toxic Librarian Hunter – Descent 2nd Nerf

Class: Hunter - Format: dragon - Type: aggro - Season: season-70

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A deck that can get  minion pressure at the start especially with the coin.Mulligan for Dalaran Librarian after Toxic Reinforcements and Phase Stalker.Keep Ancient Watcher/Arcane Watcher AKA The Watchers….if you get a silence card.Slam a Watcher as soon as possible(if you get a silence).Everybody ignores these Watchers.Can get a Faceless Rager on them at the least(can mulligan for Rager if you have the Watchers). You can always Hero power if you draw the good stuff.The value of Watchers can be acquired at the turn 6,7 as well(that’s why always mulligan for Dalaran) although it can be better dealt with around these turns.This deck requires more experimentaion and can be improved.Another Owl/Sunfury Protector/ Lifedrinker/Dragonbane are some options. 

This is the Face Hunter that has more highroll chance to have a strong start especially with coin.It does not completely rely on Toxic Reinforcements and Phase Stalker for good starts which is the point of this deck.

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