squirrel’s fatigue C’thun. 1 legend except C’thun. High win rate.

Class: Rogue - Format: kraken - Type: fatigue - Season: season-25 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

This deck features a lot of early game 2 for ones and tempo plays. Against Aggresive strategies we want our 3 mana two for ones. Against C'thun decks we want eviscerate and deadly poison. Finally against control we want to run cold light oracle over and over.

Hey all, 

This is a really fun and strong standard deck.

Like most of my decks, I started out with the premise of “How do I wreck ladder noobs without playing a net deck?” After some careful pondering I decided that deadly poison and eviscerate were really strong against the C’thun decks and Aggro shaman. Also, most decks seemed to follow a curve from 2-10 and rouge is really strong at disrupting a curve. The end result is a mash up of mill rouge and C’thun control.

The deck isn’t designed to one shot c’thune our opponent to death. Instead we simply use C’thun to blow up thier board and make a big guy, then burn or fatigue them out.

If you are missing any of the pieces, I would replace them with shadow steps and adjust your mulligan strategy to value our Murdock friend more highly.

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