[S33 Legend] Midrange Druid

Class: Druid - Format: kraken - Type: midrange - Season: season-33 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

Always keep removal against Pirate Warrior. Otherwise try to get Ramp and possibly a 5 or 6 drop if you are against Control and curve out nicely to it with Wild Growth/Mire Keeper/Nourish/Innervate. Plan out your turns beforehand and don't Innervate anything if you don't have any plays for next turn.

Some of you might remember me from few seasons ago posting a same’ish decklist which I climbed to Legend with.

Well, back in that season (S26 to be exact) the meta was kinda same as it is now, only Pirate Warriors were Aggro Shaman / ZooLock, and Control decks mainly Warrior and RenoLock. This meta (if we can call it that, when are 5 days in new expansion) has pretty much same elements that pre-Shaman/Yogg nerfs had = Aggro and Control, where Midrange Druid really shines.

Midrange Druid is really in an awesome spot now, because it is fast enough to win Control decks and naturally good against Aggro. The only real weaknesses back in the day were Midrange Hunters, which are non-existent at the moment.

Main Matchups:

Pirate Warrior is a joke when you are running two Feral Rages, Druid of the Claws, Ancient of Wars and one Dark Arakkoa on top of that. You don’t even have to tech Acidic Swamp Ooze in. Just curve nicely and that’s it.
Edit 1: Swap’d Mire Keeper for Acidic Swamp Ooze simply ‘cos the sheer amount of aggro weapon classes on ladder right now.

RenoLock has always been an easy one for Midrange Druid, because RenoLock has difficulties dealing with midrange minions. Just don’t over extend to Twisting Nether and you are basicly good to go. Keeping two minions on the board is just fine, cos they all have decent amount of damage (lowest being 3).

Jade Druid is also a pretty easy matchup, because it just simply takes too much time for them to get the Golems rolling. Go aggressively to face, but keep opposing Druid‘s Swipe always on mind and play around that. Sylvanas Windrunner is also a very key card in this matchup, ‘cos they naturally try to play as many Jade Golems as they can, and can’t deal with Sylvanas Windrunner because of that.

Dragon Priest is probably the hardest matchup, because that is the only other Midrangy deck at this meta. Luckily for us Priest has always problems dealing with our 4 attack minions and even Dragonfire Potion doesn’t kill Azure Drake. Dragonfire Potion is the main thing you have to be aware of, but even that is relatively easy to dodge, since so many of your lategame drops have more than 5 health.

Reno Priest is almost as easy matchup as RenoLock, or maybe even easier. It has the same difficulties as RenoLock, since it can’t deal with midrange minions as easilly. It also only has one Shadow Word: Death and Entomb, which makes your minions even more annoying to deal with. Shadow Word: Pain has only three targets in our deck and Potion of Madness is a dead card without Pint-Size Potion. Also as I mentioned already in Dragon Priest matchup, the 4 attack minions are pain in the ass for Priest. Again; just watch out that single Dragonfire Potion and maybe Kazakus spell if you see him picking 5 or 10 mana card (which he/she shouldn’t have time to pick, ‘cos you have to pressure them constantly).

Token Druid isn’t yet a real metadeck that you see so often, but I can tell you it is going to take a big leap in popularity soon, when people get tired of playing Jade Druid. If(/or when) that happens you can swap Arcane Giant or Ragnaros the Firelord for Baron Geddon and it would make the matchup easier.

Hope the analysis helps and happy laddering! If you have any guestions I will be happy to answer ๐Ÿ™‚

Edit 1: Updated the decklist and Pirate Warrior machup

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  1. Freezer
    December 10, 2016 at 7:06 pm

    Hi! I’ve maked two videos with this deck!



  2. Arthur
    December 8, 2016 at 10:08 pm

    Isn’t better a malygos druid with taunts?

    • JoPack - Author
      December 9, 2016 at 1:17 pm

      Probably is. I just posted the deck I used to climb with.

  3. oldhasu
    December 7, 2016 at 7:34 am

    Here is typical “pirate warrior is a joke” game with this deck, i think i did not won a single one of them
    The same goes for jade druid

    • JoPack - Author
      December 7, 2016 at 8:28 am

      Well it’s not a typical game if the enemy has not a single bad turn, draws both Arcanite Reapers and you don’t draw even roots/wrath/swipe/ancient in the entire game. Thats just bad luck. Of cource you lose sometimes even favourable matchups.
      What comes to Jade Druid, just mulligan aggressively for ramp. Early Rag is also devastating in this matchup.

  4. paja
    December 6, 2016 at 7:17 am

    ty for this deck, i like games vs Jade druid. He has 1/1 2/2 3/3 4/4 golems on board and i have 5/10 and 5/7 taunts ๐Ÿ˜€

  5. Vux
    December 6, 2016 at 1:39 am

    Any card that I could substitute with ragnaros?

    • JoPack - Author
      December 6, 2016 at 6:50 am

      Rag is in the list for control matchups such as RenoLock and -Priest, so I would suggest Arch-Thief Rafaam, Ysera or Soggoth the Slitherer. Cenarius is fine too, but doesn’t generate that much value for lategame. Yogg is not bad either, but requires you to fall behind on board which really isn’t this decks idea, but can surely clean an overexteded Priest board if you are losing ๐Ÿ™‚