
Class: Rogue - Format: kraken - Season: season-25 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

These three cards are what you need to set up your win condition. Besides these, low cost removals are good. Alarm-o-bot/conceal could let you get out some of those high cost minions on turn five. If you start with an AOB, mulligan for Y'shaarj as well, since getting him that early in the game would spell the end.

Survival. That’s it, you just need to make it to round 10 to drop Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound, and then use preparation into either Gang Up or Conceal. Now, Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound should begin to pull itself from your deck after you use Gang Up on it once or twice. then suddenly your high cost minions should pour out of the deck. Just keep the board as clear as possible.

Notes on the deck – This is a very high dust deck, and most of these minions are not necessary strategically and could be substituted for ones of similar mana cost. I am not a serious rogue player, so any suggested substitutions to make this deck more powerful would be greatly appreciated.

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