Questline Armor OTK Druid

Class: Druid - Format: hydra - Type: combo - Season: season-104 - Style: theorycraft

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Complete your questline and then tutor your Anub’Rekhan with Capture Coldtooth Mine and now all you have to do is find brann and zola and zola can be tutored with crushclaw enforcer unless your unlucky enough to not draw your kelpkeepers before and then draw both with the enforcers. On the combo turn you play Anub’rekhan+brann+guff+zola+guff+guff which is now 45 armor/mana and if you have played your hero card then you could have enough mana to continue the combo with mark of the spike shell+guff+mark+living roots on zola. If there are taunts in the way then you can use smothering starfish to get through it. the final combo leaves you with 80 attack and you only need 12 or 13 mana depending on if you need to use living roots or not

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