[QUEST] Divine Elemental Blessing

Class: Paladin - Format: mammoth - Type: midrange - Season: season-37 - Style: ladder

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The deck utilizes cards such as Fire Fly and Igneous Elemental to generate activators for Elemental synergies.

It also makes use of Arcane Anomaly which became better now that Elementals are a tribe, because he not only works tremendously well with Palladin’s 1-cost spells, which help advance the Quest, but he also activates bigger Elementals in the late game.

It also helps that Ragnaros, Lightlord is now an Elemental himself, although this isn’t exactly game-chaging, but it’s a nice little detail that makes the card more viable.

I feel the Elemental archetype works very well with Palladin’s The Last Kaleidosaur because it provides a lot of defensive tools to reach the late game stage to either win through the use of Elemental cards themselves, or by playing N'Zoth, The Corruptor and refilling your board (or Ysera‘s spells, explanation down below).

This last point is very important, because you won’t be able to finish the Quest as fast as Rogue and Shaman can. So playing your spells carelessly to rush it’s completion isn’t as important as controling the board and using those spells as efficiently as possible.

/ ! / Tech card choices:

Wickerflame Burnbristle – Early game tool for healing purposes, which also combos well with your 1-cost spells.

Cult Master – Combos both with your Hero Power and the Elemental tokens (Flame Elemental) you’ll be playing throughout the match which more agressive decks might ignore. Provides a more consistent draw advantage in the mid to late game stages.

The Voraxx – Combos with your 1-cost spells as well as Mukla, Tyrant of the Vale‘s spells to provide board and furthering the Quest along. It most likely will attract raw removal from your opponent, so it’s a great bait to set up a following turn.

Mukla, Tyrant of the Vale – Combos well with The Curator , but more importantly saves you one card slot from having adittional buffing spells in your deck. It helps further the Quest along and you get to play one more minion to push board control with.

The Curator  – Late game defensive tool that provides adittional draw, which Palladin greatly lacks after the loss of Solemn Vigil. Since the deck is combo-centric to a degree, cards like this help give you options as much as possible.

/ ! / Possible changes:

One change I’ve been meaning to try out is replacing N'Zoth, The Corruptor with Ysera, because she combos with The Curator and is a great tool against other control decks.

I’m not 100% sure but I would bet her spell Nightmare also furthers the Quest along and that’s a pretty sweet synergy when you bare in mind Palladin’s Hero Power and Flame Elemental.

I haven’t tried it yet because I’ve managed to beat everything from Quest Rogue, Quest Warrior, Quest Priest and Handlock even without cards like her but it’s an option to keep in mind.

Cards like Harrison Jones are also great tools against decks like Pirate Warrior which might be good further down the ladder.

/ ! / Final thoughts:

It’s a work in progress, but the deck manages to be quite powerfull and any criticism at improving it would be wonderfull. Thank you for reading and good luck climbing.

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  1. Immolate
    April 14, 2017 at 7:08 pm


    This is an interesting concept. Most quest decks rush to try and complete their quest as fast as possible. This deck, however, plays a much slower game, taking time to complete the quest while controlling the board with elemental synergy. While this is a pretty neat deck, I think there are a couple of changes you could change that would improve the overall performance of the deck.

    This is a Control deck. It is loaded with big, high value minions such as Tirion and Ysera and completes the quest much slower than normal. However, as a Control deck, you need to have board clears, healing, and taunts. You have some solid taunt and healing options, but you have no direct healing options and you have no board clears. If you want to take the control deck route with this deck, I would take out some of your early game cards and add in Pyromancer + Equality, Consecration, and/or Doomsayer. You can also possibly add a Primordial Drake and 2x Hydrologist to make The Curator provide more consistent draws. A couple of Truesilver Champions could help with midgame removal and healing.

    This is an interesting idea, and overall it’s a pretty sweet deck! I might try a version of this out and see how well it works. I will upload my version of the deck with credit to you if you want. Good luck laddering!