Pool8 Ramp Malyram

Class: Druid - Format: mammoth - Type: ramp - Season: season-42 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

The basic mulligan consists in ramp cards (Wild Growth,Mire Keeper,Innervate) and survivability tools like Doomsayer and Wrath.

Aggro Mulligans

If you know that your opponent plays a token-based deck keep Spreading Plague along with a nice hand (at least two of the upper resources). You can consider keeping Swipe too with innervate if you know your opponent's curve will allow you to get value outta it from t2 to t4. 

Midrange Mulligans

Mulligan against midrange is kinda basic. You can consider keeping Swipe too with innervate if you know your opponent's curve will allow you to get value outta it from t2 to t4. 

Combo Mulligans

Considering that combo decks in hs are now very slow (see Exodia Mage), hard mulligan for ramp cards to pressure your opponents with some late game threats thrown in midgame. 

Control Mulligans

If you know that your opponent plays a control deck keep Nourish. Toss any survivability tool as we highly priorize ramping to pressure him with late game threats. 

This deck works as a ramp druid that can accomplish 2 gameplans: Bursting down your opponent with Malygos + Taldaram and a couple moonfire (recommended in control matchups) and ramping in the early game annihilating your opponent dropping big threats every turn.

KEY QUESTION: How to accomplish the first gameplan? Two ways.

-Keep Innervate to combo Malygos,Taldaram and Moonfire x2 in a single turn
-Throw Deathwing,Dragonlord on board when you have Malygos in your hand. If your opponent kills it,He’s gonna have a bad time dealing with multiple dragons coming from your hand,if it doesn’t get killed,you can naturalize your own deathwing and burst your opponent with spells and Taldaram (on Malygos).

The reason why I highly recommend this deck is it’s core structure which makes It really solid both against aggro (most of the actual meta) and control.

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  1. Herensuge
    September 4, 2017 at 12:09 pm

    I could try It without dragonlord? Or the deck dont work using other card? Thanks

    • Pool8 - Author
      September 4, 2017 at 4:03 pm

      I recommend not to run this list without dragonlord.