Paladin Combo – Snowball/Divine Shield/Murloc-DK

Class: Paladin - Format: mammoth - Type: combo - Season: season-42 - Style: budget

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General Mulligans

If Blessing of Kings and Consecration are in the same hand, ditch one, preferably keeping the one with the most immediate combo value.
Equality is always a nice extra to hold onto in case your opponent drops down a heavy HP minion early on, don't mulligan these.

Keep all Righteous Protectors, Bilefin Tidehunters, Grimscale Oracles, and your Vilefin Inquisitor.
Those will give you early-game domination.

If Uther of the Ebon Blade is drawn, hold onto him unless you feel your opponent will be rushing you.
Doing this significantly increases your chances of winning late game.

Aggro Mulligans

When it comes to Aggro, simply try to acquire all the low costing cards first to rush your opponent.

Divine Favor can be very useful, or not useful at all.
Only keep this card in your hand if you know you'll be able to play at least 2 of your cards before turn 3.
Otherwise this is best for mid-late game.

Vilefin Inquisitor is one of the best turn 1 drops, keep this card for early game power.

Bilefin Tidehunter and Righteous Protector will give you an annoying amount of Taunt minions early on, allowing you to defend yourself long enough to play some harder hitting minions.

Combo Mulligans

Equality and Consecration is your strongest combo.
Never mulligan this.

Chillblade Champion combined with Desperate Stand, allows you to attack an enemy minion, killing your Chillblade Champion, only to have him respawn again for a double charge.

Steward of Darkshire with Bilefin Tidehunter is annoying and a strong play.
The shields will give your minions a turn to survive for you to play Necrotic Geist, quickly causing your opponent to forget about the Steward of Darkshire.
Whoever survives, you'll be in control of the board.

Murloc Addition:


This deck is a straight combo deck.
Some of the cards are effective on their own, though are far more effective when used in the proper combos.

Such as:
Steward of Darkshire
Bilefin Tidehunter
Grimscale Oracle
The Tidal Hand
Necrotic Geist
Desperate Stand
Chillblade Champion
Desperate Stand
Blessing of Kings
Holy Light on Chillblade Champion when his HP gets low, he will heal you more than the spell.
Righteous Protector
Desperate Stand

All of these combos can change the game if done correctly.

I’d recommend trying to “save up” cards for a combo, using the less needed ones as cannon fodder.
Once the combo has been executed, the game should be in your favor, and you should be well on your way to victory.

It is essential that Equality and Consecration are used correctly to insure board control.
Equality  should only ever be used out of combo if using the card would save 5-10 HP depending on how much you have left.
Blowing the card early can cost you the game.

With Consecration, it’s okay to be a little more liberal with it’s use, though still attempt to hold onto it for the right moment.
Abomination is a good backup card for when Consecration isn’t available, usually used when all your minions are dead, you need a blocker, and have a Equality handy.
This is more common than you’d think

Righteous Protector  and Bilefin Tidehunter  are your bread and butter for defending yourself.
Use Steward of Darkshire  with Bilefin Tidehunter to give them Divine Shield, while using Desperate Stand on the Righteous Protector to have them revive after dying, with another Divine Shield.

Another strong combo is Necrotic Geist and Desperate Stand.
If used with an Abomination, your minions and your opponent’s minions will all die.
Except yours will all return as 2/2 Ghouls, that can be killed and rekilled.
Careful not to place a Necrotic Geist down without a blocker, your opponent will target this first if they have any idea what they are doing.

Your cannon fodder cards, in order, are;

1. Bilefin Tidehunter
2. Righteous Protector
(Grimscale Chum if substituted in.)
3. Abomination
4. Vilefin Inquisitor
5. Bonemare / Guardian of Kings
6. Grimscale Oracle / Primalfin Champion
7. Chillblade Champion (Useful with Desperate Stand)

Use these cards to pick away at your opponent, forcing them to focus on eliminating your minions, causing them to spend all their cards and mana.
Once the situation rises to use a EqualityConsecration, wipe their side of the field, then the next turn, throw down a heavy hitter.

Using Uther will save the game time and time again. Having him in the deck grants you 20 HP basically, and gives you a win condition.
Bonemares can help give you endgame defense to protect your Horsemen.



Swapping these cards will provide a strong combo at the cost of survivability.

This would give the player the same number of spells, minions and healing power, minus the Lifesteal.
Your Blessing of Kings and Blessed Champion provide an alternative method of finishing off your opponent.
When used with Questing Adventurer, victory can be achieved by turn 6, if not turn 5.
Now this combo will be stopped by any player worth their salt, so don’t expect this to be pulled off everytime.
Waiting to turn 7 to begin the combo usually is much more successful.

If your the enemy player continues to slaughter your Questing Adventurers, try this swap.
Primalfin Champion will allow you to retain your buff cards, even after it’s death.
Placing a Desperate Stand on him allows you to rinse and repeat.

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  1. YaumeD
    August 29, 2017 at 4:52 am

    Pretty terrible deck, to be honest. Not to hate on it though, I reallyliked the idea that the deck was using uncommon cards and the combos looked interesting.
    But I just tried it, (even crafted the abominations haha) and in fact the deck is poorly optimized : a lot of bad mulligans and inefficient draws, often had my hand filled with cards I couldn’t use by themselves (two divine favor, two desperate stand and a holy light doesn’t exactly sound like a good start, does it?).
    Not to mention that I got crushed by roughly anything on the ladder, especially druid.

    So to my mind, this deck remains a fun deck, you can pull out some really intersting combos, but it is not reliable enough to be played on the ladder.