No minion quest DH

Class: Demon Hunter - Format: hydra - Type: tempo - Season: season-104 - Style: theorycraft

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we use our feast of souls and other draw cards with our tokens to kill them off with trading and activating our hero power multiple times or using keen reflex to gain a large amount of attack. or we can make a board of 3/3s and 1/1s with our “Deal with a Devil” and other token generators then use field of strife to close out the game. this is an aggro type deck that is making use of mana cheat and large amounts of draw as well. Sightless magistrate and magnifying glaive would not be good with the deck because we’re always trying to keep our hand full while those enjoy benefits when it is empty. but you could probably run a renathal deck where you use those with Kryxis and Souleater’s scythe so you can empty your hand

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