Midrange C’thun Shaman

Class: Shaman - Format: kraken - Type: midrange - Season: season-25 - Style: ladder

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First-draft attempt at creating a Midrange Shaman deck featuring the two new evolve cards.  I was particularly excited for evolve synergy with cards like disciple of c’thun and tuskarr totemic as well as from c’thun’s chosen and the token from hammer of twilight

Like previous iterations of midrange shaman, prolonged late-games may are not favorable for this deck given its lack of draw.  However, evolve allows for the dumping of early game minions during the late game and then transforming them into a much more formidable field.  C’thun, and Hex should hypothetically help to shore up the early late-game, the early game tempo cards such as totem golem and disciple of c’thun should help ensure board control during the early game, and the evolve mechanics and hammer of twilight should help manage the mid-game alongside fire elemental, who also has evolve synergy.

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