MCT Paladin Post-Nerf

Class: Paladin - Format: mammoth - Type: control - Season: season-47 - Style: ladder

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People have been moving away from silence, so Lynessa is looking great right now, which is why I’ve switched from Exodia-type lists to a more traditional N’Zoth-less Control Paladin. Gravelsnout Knight + Dirty Rat + Mind Control Tech is the main gimmick of the deck, punishing tempo decks like Spiteful Summoner and stealing Cubes and Giants and Voidlords. This deck is really teched in an anti-aggro direction. Stonehill Defender and Aldor Peacekeeper slow down opponents and make them over-extend into Equality and MCT, and Skulking Geist beats Combo Priest and Cubelock and cuts Jade Druid value. Let me know how you get

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  1. Forgiven
    February 20, 2018 at 8:18 am

    What rank are you playing at? The deck looks pretty fun. May need more draw cards though.