Master Thief

Class: Rogue - Format: kraken - Type: midrange - Season: season-30 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

Tomb Pillager only against some classes or if you already have some good things in your hand. For example, if you have a backstab and one undercity huckster, it's fine, even if it's not perfect.

Aggro Mulligans

You can go for a big Vancleef as well, but don't keep only Edwin in your hand.

Hi everybody, I’m Eidos, a player who loves to make decks and play in
the arena. I’ve never ranked seriously (only until 3-5 when I need dust
and I’m not too lazy that month) but I do play the game consistently
since the realease, a little bit most days. I play mainly on EU and my
favourite color was green. Before I was hunted down. Let’s

This deck is nothing spectacular or original. That’s the reason why I’m not touching myself putting my name next to the name of the deck as if I was some type of proffesional player or even someone who can accept Hogger is not the best card ever (it is). It’s just an hybrid between a miracle deck and the priest gimming of stealing your cards and copying them because they can. The deck does not fall behind in tempo thanks to his core, with efficient removal spells such as Backstab Eviscerate  and Fan of Knives  or Shadow Strike  in combination with spell power and/or Preparation and finds sustain (not insane, but good ammount) with the Gadgetzan Auctioneer  and copy cards like Swashburglar Undercity Huckster and Burgle . This deck is oriented to have a decent value while playing on tempo. If you can get disccounts with Ethereal Peddler it’s great but do not make a weaker play unless you want to avoid a AOE effect or something like that. This deck does not aim for fatigue. That said, it has a decent chance against control decks.

The only card it’s kinda out of place in this deck is Sylvanas, the reason is Sylvanas + Shadow Strike or Preparation and Shadow Strike is very strong, and can help you taking a concealed monstruosity, a C’thun somehow you managed to survive or even a wisp if you feel like you like wisps. Both are good enough on their own to justify using them, but not required by any means. But if you don’t use Shadow Strike I will be a little bit upset with you because I love that card.

Substitutions : I’m don’t tag this section as substitutions since if you take the N’Zoth path or the Cold Blood + Conceal, you’re changing the core of the deck, and the way should be played (not by much, but something) so I will only give a couple of tips for those who want to experiment with the steal/copy mechanic.

I’m still working on it, so I will add details later if I see this works good enough most of the time. If you want to take twists, you can go for a more aggresive version with cold blood and stealth or with a more deathrattle focused version with N'Zoth. If if you go with the second idea, it’s probably better to add a couple of Journey Below instead of big deathrattles such as Chillmaw or Cairne even if it’s less solid against control, due to the combo, versatility (even an Anub Arak against CW)  and draw potential and  Gadgetzan Auctioneer . I though in Malygos, and while can be awesome, I’m still not sure how solid it is to expect damage spells able to damage the enemy hero. Still, sounds fun enough to try.

If you go for a conceal + cold blood approach, you’re probably not gonna improve that deck (Miracle Rogue) but you can add a couple of cards like swashburglar or Huckster to spice it.

Thanks for reading and feel free to ask or give me any advice. Feel free to use this anywhere. I would appreciate if my name is near to this madness I dare to call deck.

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