KFT Jade Evolve Shaman

Class: Shaman - Format: mammoth - Type: midrange - Season: season-41 - Style: ladder

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Aggro: Jade Claws and Maelstrom Portal

While you can keep Devolve and Hex in certain situations, the big picks are Jade Claws and Maelstrom Portal.

Control: Jade Claws, Maelstrom Portal, Hex, Stonehill Defender and Thrall, Deathseer.

Being able to evolve on command is such a strong HP that Thrall, Deathseer should be kept in opening hand vs control, and sometimes played even if the battlecry only hits mediocre targets.

Deck description:

This is a tokenless evolve shaman focusing on evolving single minions with Master of Evolution and the HP of Thrall, Deathseer. It does this on top of the evolve combos like Doppelgangster +Evolve and Jade Chieftain + totem + Evolve.

Being able to HP-evolve Bomb Squad, Thing from Below, Stonehill Defender , the body of Jade Chieftain and the body of Jade Spirit gives both great value and tempo. The HP of Thrall, Deathseer can also be used for heal minion heal and slight upgrade if no optimal evolve targets are found.

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