High Fibre

Class: Shaman - Format: wild - Type: midrange - Season: season-22 - Style: ladder

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Shaman has one of the best suite of battlecry cards of the classes, and I wanted to see if I could make a build around it.

Brann Bronzebeard, Rumbling Elemental and some discovery cards (Jeweled Scarab fetching amazing Shaman 3 drops, and a copy of Tomb Spider). Plus Shaman has some great battlecry cards that are class specific in Tuskarr Totemic and Fire Elemental

There’s a few more tech cards in Antique Healbot, Azure Drake (mostly for draw), Loatheb and Defender of Argus. And of course the madatory Dr. Boom, which happens to do extra good when he’s got extra FIBRE!!!

The early game is taken over by Tunnel Trogg and totems with spell backup. 

So far it has been running well (I’m rank 11 right now)

With some upvotes, I’ll write a full write-up.

AND that’s enoug up votes for me to do a write-up!

First, made a few changes… early game stability was more important than big plays at the end of the game for me, so I’ve removed Arch Thief Rafaam and Bloodlust for the second copies of Lightning Storm and Feral Spirit. My meta is heavy with Secret Pallys and Hunters and zoo at the moment, so ealry game stability is key. (Currently at rank 7)

I think I outlined the general gameplay above, but I’ll try to do a bit of a matchup write-up below

vs aggro: 

– you really want to fight for board control vs aggro, so key cards are Tunnel Trogg,Totem Golem, and Feral Spirit. You have to be careful about your Feral Spirit or Lightning Storm play on Turn 3 as the deck doesn’t have a lot recovery ability from the overload. You want to make sure you are getting big tempo/value for your investment. 

Earth Shock should be used early game on cards like Mad Scientist, Shielded Minibot or anything buffed (trogg, a blessed or avenged silver hand recruit, etc…). Try to save Hex for bigger threats in the mid-late game. 

Rumbling Elemental is a key turn 4 play as you have so much in the 5 cost range as well as a bunch of 2 and 3 cost battlecry guys, so you can get good value. Play this guy almost like you would play Flamewaker in tempo mage, make sure you can follow him up. He’s quite sticky with his 6 health (compare to Water Elemental), so he can be played against a board with minions (unless your opponent has a Piolted shredder down…now best matchup…).

Defender of Argus can also be a key play against aggro. Rumbling Elemental synergizes quite well with this, and other good targets that could be on the board are Totem Golem,Brann Bronzebeard, and Tuskarr Totemic

– the rest of the game is just fighting for tempo and you late game battlecries:Azure DrakeFire ElementalDr. BoomLoatheb, especially if buffed by Brann Bronzebeard should give you more than enough value to win. An Antique Healbot for 16 life can often be a concede vs hyper aggro. 

vs control:

– It’s still important to start off strong with board presence against control, so Tunnel Trogg,Totem Golem, and Tuskarr Totemic are great keeps. Presenting like a face shaman can make your opponent make decisions in the early game that might hurt them by the time you start dropping your midrange bombs. Mana Tide Totem is a good card to drop early as well once you figure out you are playing vs control, as getting your opponent to spend removal is good card advantage (which shaman needs). 

– dropping Brann Bronzebeard too early can lose you the game vs control as their late game is often stronger than yours without the extra FIBRE. 

Hex is a really important card in these mathups to take out key threats (Ysera, Boom, Challenger…after popping their secrets, Sludge if need be…), so don’t waste it early game.

– Play the rest of the game cautiously and don’t over-extend. Use Defender of Argus and Loatheb wisely against combo (druid, reno combo, even zoo)

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  1. LumberJack-Sax
    January 27, 2016 at 2:38 pm

    I was wondering if you are still playing with this deck. if so – have you made any changes?

    • Gully1824 - Author
      January 28, 2016 at 7:46 am

      I’ve still been running this deck in and out depending on the meta.

      At the moment, I’ve taken out Arch Thief Rafaam and Bloodlust for more early game stability by adding the remaining copies of Lightning Storm and Feral Spirit. Currently rank 7.

      I’ve found that one of the key things while playing is not to rush in to Brann. He can be a huge tempo swing if played late game with one of the stronger battlecries. But a turn 5 brann + scarab can be pretty solid if there’s not much of a board.

      Hope this helps!