Baku Quest Warrior

Class: Warrior - Format: mammoth - Type: control - Season: season-49

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Limpia toda las mesas del rival, o simplemente ignoralas y date chapa. Gana en fatiga o con el valor del Elise o la misión.

Clean all boards or ignore them and push hero power. Win in fatigue or with Elise´s or quest value.

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  1. JackandJazz - Author
    April 6, 2018 at 6:44 pm

    This new version is more focussed on mission. The point is supossed to be complete the quest while getting armor and cleaning all boards. Then win in fatigue or with the value of Elise or the quest.

  2. JackandJazz - Author
    April 6, 2018 at 6:36 pm

    Thanks for your coment. Totally agree with you, I missed that part. I think I can remove all but the Ravaging Ghoul and the deck should still work as its supossed to do. Anyway its hard to think about a replacement for the Ghoul since the whirlwind effect its kind of important here. Thanks for your effort in Spanish 🙂

  3. MongrelShot
    April 6, 2018 at 4:46 pm

    Sorry for commenting but if you want this to be usable in Standard when Witchwood is released then you need to get rid of a few cards: I Know a Guy, Ravaging Ghoul, Alley Armorsmith, and Soggoth the Slitherer.
    If you wanted this to be used in Wild, however, then I apologize for the comment.

    • MongrelShot
      April 6, 2018 at 4:49 pm

      Perdón por mi comentario anterior en inglés. No noté que esto era en español. Pero hay algunas tarjetas que deben eliminarse del mazo si desea que esto se use en español. Estoy usando Google translate para esto, por lo que puede no ser correcto. ¡Lo siento!