Control Death Pally

Class: Paladin - Format: kraken - Type: control - Season: season-25 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

leper gnome always seem strong on turn 1 even if you cant hit with him he usually makes the person waste a turn on killing him. or even better yet pulls coin from them or if you have coin and 2 L.G. then its even more instant pressure all others are for board control consecration and equality can be swapped for bloodmage and infested taruren /truesilver champ on preference if your facing alot of aggro decks see my comments on the next tab

Aggro Mulligans

on argo you want double holy light and or hope for coin tauren this being a control deck obviously argo is our worst fear but plan is to just survive their assult and heals and taunts help you to get board clears in later turns 5th slot would be equality for equality + consecration

Deck i been thinking about. I play tested this couple times and it seems solid enough but tweeking will be done based on reveals and updates. basic concept is just control the board while putting out deathrattles and board trade freely until Nzoth can do his due.

With all these massive board clears and heals you should have no trouble getting to end game and hitting N zoth.

please comment on thoughts about changes




Edit : replaced 1 eater of secrets for another redemption  and replaced both aldors for 2x steward of darkness

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  1. Sarox
    April 22, 2016 at 3:47 pm

    I can dig this deck a bit, however, I personally would remove some of the weaker deathrattle minions and replace them with something else. With Nzoth you want to bring back a lot of the bigger deathrattle minions that have a bigger effect. The gnomes and tauren are a little weaker IMO, so i would replace them with something else. Not too shabby though.

  2. EJ420 - Author
    April 17, 2016 at 4:37 pm

    anyone with new thoughts on this build?

  3. EJ420 - Author
    April 1, 2016 at 5:07 pm

    what do people think of changing 1-2 aldors out for the new steward of darkness 3/3 gives 1 life minions divine sheild.. with redemption that would be a nice combo.

    • EJ420 - Author
      April 3, 2016 at 5:30 pm

      is this site broken i cant edit or make any new decks

    April 1, 2016 at 12:08 am

    Remove a doomsayer and put sylvanas, it would help with control
    (In theory)

  5. EJ420 - Author
    March 31, 2016 at 12:27 pm

    maybe add in another redemption? i see those timed right could be very powerful in this deck. basiclly triple /quad version of a deathrattle minion. imagine a double tirion then 2 more from N zoth… or even just double triple spawns of Nzoth / infested tauren lol. or even slapping a doom sayer down and watching them pump everything into killing him and then he comes back with 1 life anyways lololol