cjtyankeefan’s Dragon Control Shaman

Class: Shaman - Format: kraken - Type: control - Season: season-34 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

The big cards that you're probably going to mulligan for are these five. Lightning storm is a huge keep especially when combined with Bloodmage Thalnos to keep the aggressive decks at bay while you dig for your taunt minions. Hex can be a decent keep as well especially against rogue, mostly in case they get cheesy with a buffed up Edwin Van Cleef. Mana Tide totem gives you a draw on turn three and can spare you three life if your opponent chooses to remove it. Twilight Guardian is the riskiest choice of the cards listed here as not always will you have a dragon in your hand to make use of its taunt buff. Usually I find that by turn four you're either looking for a heal or removal and usually have enough chances at drawing a dragon early on to make Twilight Guardian viable. 

Aggro Mulligans

Against aggressive decks you really want to prioritize removal and transition into playing a taunt minion such as Twilight Guardian or White Eyes. The early removal is key to surviving the Pirate meta and living long enough to let your taunt minions guard you while you try to find a healing combo. I don't run Doomsayer's in this list as I've found that most aggro decks, especially Pirate variants just pound through it anyway on turn two. 

Combo Mulligans

Hallazeal the Ascended is the real deal for healing in this deck. Gives you a massive board clear and keeps you alive into the late game. Deathwing Dragonlord is the king of cheesing your opponent in this deck. I run Barnes for the chance that if you pull Deathwing, Dragonlord on turn four, your opponent either has to ignore it or risk dropping some seriously powerful early dragons on the board. Plus if you can chain ancestral spirit onto the 1/1 Dragonlord, you pretty much setup a board that's incredibly difficult to deal with. Overall its just pure fun to watch Deathwing pull some big dragons from your hand. Really gets the blood flowing. 

Control Mulligans

Elemental Destruction combined with lava shock are the bread and butter for your removal. These cards can be lifesavers and Hex is an all around strong card that can help you deal with large or annoying minions. Sylvanas is a pretty slow card but when used correctly it can really slow down the tempo of the game and sometimes swing the board into your advantage. 

Do you like Dragons? Do you like EXTREME VALUE! Well then you’ve come to the right place. This deck is essentially a spin on the control crusher shaman but instead of running various taunt minions I decided to slap Dragons for grins and giggles. Turns out that this variant is not as bad as I had initially thought and can stand up fairly well against the current cancer meta. The deck has plenty of healing with the board clears and Hallazeal combo plus an added healing wave for extra effect. There are plenty of taunt minions thrown in as well allowing for a nice defensive front as you patiently wait to drop the nuts on your enemies. Plus who doesn’t love dragons?

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