Big Block’s Tempo Pirate Rogue (Rise of Shadows – theory craft

Class: Rogue - Format: raven - Type: tempo - Season: season-61 - Style: theorycraft

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Yes, of course: Everyone is excited about the new and crazy value cards that Rogue is getting with Rise of Shadows. And I’m sure: The new valueish archetype will perform quiet nicely: Togwaggle, Nok, the new (and first time good) Burgle mechanics combined with Academic Espionage, Tess Greymane and more are just too strong to not see any competitive play!

But don’t forget the existing other archetype: Tempo Rogue has proven itself to be some of the strongest ladder and tournement decks in the late Rasthakan Meta (thanks, BunnyHoppor!). Aaaaand it just loses 3 cards! 3 f*** cards, that’s crazy, right? This deck will shred any undefined deck in the first days of the new meta. So maybe wait a few days to not give your opponents the Anikin-Style-Rage!

So, what are the 3 rotating cards? Fire Fly, Shadowblade and Fal’dorai Strider. Shadowblade can be replaced by Necrium Blade without loosing any stats. The other two are going two hurt a bit more but you can replace the Strider with the new Pirate fourdrop for synergy and Fire Fly with the new and old neutral onedrop by choice – Argent Squire.

Bloodmage Thalnos ore the Captain Hooktusk + two Ticket Scalper – Package are worth to be considered as soon as a new Meta establishes.

In every case: This deck will be a powerhouse of the new meta when considering that the overall powerlevel will fall down quiet a bit, so legend rank is waiting!

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  1. BigBlock - Author
    April 4, 2019 at 12:28 am

    Yeah, you’re right. I think that you want the Blade to proc the Burglar in 90% of the cases but nevertheless Mecharoo is clearly better than Squire.

    • Stargazer
      April 4, 2019 at 8:36 pm

      Burglar’s effect is a battlecry tho :-\

      Still, you’re not really taking Necrium Blade for its effect so it’s no great loss. Having said that, there are a few 4 drop deathrattle minions available to experiment with depending on how the meta shakes out.

  2. Frank Castle
    April 3, 2019 at 9:39 pm

    Some possible changes
    -2x Argent Squire -2x Southsea Deckhand -2x Sap -2x SI7 Agent
    +2x Mecharoo +2x Underbelly Fence +2x Vendetta +2x Blink Fox

    • BigBlock - Author
      April 4, 2019 at 12:25 am

      Mecharoo instead of Argent Squire is clearly better, didn’t have that one in mind. But I’m critical towards more Burgle mechanics because you want to empty your hand when entering the midgame to prepare a Myra’s turn and you could not consistently play the fence on turn 2 what would be great tempo…

  3. Stargazer
    April 3, 2019 at 8:31 pm

    This is a trivial change, but given that you have no buff spells I’d suggest Mecharoo over Argent Squire so at least there’s something for Necrium Blade to proc.