[Wild] Anyfin Dudes

Class: Paladin - Format: wild - Type: control - Season: season-38 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

Yeah, I really have no idea what I want to mulligan for in this deck. The huge number of 3 drops mean that this deck starts off slow. It can probably be massively improved.

Let’s smash themes together and see what happens! I’ve got like 3 themes in here.

1. Paladin legendaries are amazing. So I’m using (almost) all of them. Sorry Eadric the Pure. You just didn’t make the cut. If you were 1 or 2 mana cheaper, or had taunt, you’d probably be broken, but you’d also be in this deck. But the other 5 creatures? Amazing. How about I tell you why those 5 are amazing, in order from least to most.

a. Wickerflame Burnbristle – Taunt and divine shield at a low cost and he heals you. Pretty damn awesome 7/10.

b. Bolvar Fordragon – This is someone that I think is getting slept on. Remember when he first came out and everyone was like “oh, hoot hoot, got the fun in my sights, etc, etc” but now, those cards are nerfed, and if they use silence or removal on him, your other legendaries roam free! If the other legendaries get nerfed, Bolvar Fordragon routinely makes it above a 7/7 with NO issues at all. 7/10.

c. Ragnaros, Lightlord – 8/8 with some sweet healing effects? Sure. Drop him on an empty board and watch your opponent panic. 8/8/10.

d. Sunkeeper Tarim – Got a board full of dudes but no Quartermaster or Lightfused Stegodon? Drop this and buff them all, and get super easy trades in the process. 9/10.

e. Tirion Fordring – I shouldn’t have to explain why he’s the top. Great stats, divine shield, taunt, and his deathrattle gives you one of the game’s best weapons. 10/10.

2. Dudes. Paladin makes dudes, buffs dudes. We’ve got the cheap dude makers (Lost in the Jungle and Muster for Battle), we’ve got the dude buffers (Steward of Darkshire, Lightfused Stegodon, and Quartermaster) and we’re using the 3/3-inators too (Keeper of Uldaman and Sunkeeper Tarim)

3. Murlocs. For some reason, Uther has a soft spot for his mrgl-ly buddies. So we’ve got the Anyfin Can Happen package with the typical Bluegill Warriors, Murloc Warleaders, as well as more fantastic legendaries in the form of Old Murk-Eye and Finja, the Flying Star.

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