Druid decks are very versatile due to their class card mechanic Choose One. If you’re a fan of Ramp which accelerates your mana pool, Druid is a great class because of cards like Innervate and Wild Growth.


By Style

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Druid Cards

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Neutral Cards

You can select up to (5) cards!

Deck Arcane Dust Updated Score

Jade Druid Deck List Guide (Post Nerf) – Kobolds – April 2018

Format: mammoth - Style: meta-deck - Archetype: Jade Druid - Player: Old Guardian
9,200 6 years ago 1016

Kolento’s Jade Druid (January 2017, Season 34)

Format: kraken - Style: ladder - Season: season-33 - Archetype: Jade Druid - Player: Kolento
5,600 7 years ago 288

Updated: Zalae’s KFT Infesting Plague Jade Druid – #1 Legend

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-41 - Archetype: Jade Druid - Player: Zalae
10,560 7 years ago 102

Budget Jade Druid Deck List Guide (Kobolds and Catacombs)

Format: mammoth - Style: budget - Archetype: Jade Druid
1,880 6 years ago 84

Big Druid Deck List Guide – Kobolds – February 2018

Format: mammoth - Style: meta-deck - Archetype: Big Druid
16,460 6 years ago 72

Trump’s Frozen Throne Malfurion the Pestilent Big Jade Druid

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-41 - Player: Trump
9,120 7 years ago 62

Asmodai’s #1 Legend Big Druid (October 2017)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-43 - Archetype: Ramp Druid - Player: Asmodai
15,360 6 years ago 56

Saiyan’s Jade Druid – Rank 1 Legend (December 2016, Season 33)

Format: kraken - Style: ladder - Season: season-33 - Archetype: Jade Druid - Player: Justsaiyan
6,380 7 years ago 53

Thijs’ Yogg-Saron Miracle Druid (November 2017)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-44 - Archetype: Miracle Druid - Player: Thijs
6,040 6 years ago 52

Sjow’s Top 10 Legend Jade Druid (Kobolds, December 2017)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-45 - Archetype: Jade Druid - Player: Sjow
8,360 6 years ago 51

J4CKIECHAN’s Kobolds Malygos Quest Druid

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-45 - Archetype: Quest Druid - Player: J4CKIECHAN
15,420 6 years ago 38

Mryagut’s Legend Jade Druid (February 2018)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-47 - Archetype: Jade Druid - Player: MrYagut
6,560 6 years ago 35

Purple’s Giants Jade Druid – Top 100 Legend (July 2017, Season 40)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-40 - Archetype: Jade Druid - Player: Purple
7,200 7 years ago 34

Mryagut’s #1 Legend Jade Druid (Kobolds)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-45 - Archetype: Jade Druid - Player: MrYagut
6,220 6 years ago 32

(Wild) Jade Druid – Rise of Shadows – #1 Legend (zhefan_yan)

Format: wild - Style: ladder - Season: season-61 - Archetype: Jade Druid - Player: Stonekeep
7,720 5 years ago 32

Asmodai’s #1 Legend Kobolds Big Druid ft. Dragonhatcher, Sleepy Dragon

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-45 - Archetype: Big Druid - Player: Asmodai
15,440 6 years ago 30

Dog’s Big Druid (January 2018)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-46 - Archetype: Big Druid - Player: Dog
16,460 6 years ago 28

Xixo’s Jade Golem Druid Ft. Aya Blackpaw, Jade Behemoth Mean Streets of Gadgetzan

Format: kraken - Style: ladder - Season: season-33 - Archetype: Jade Druid - Player: Xixo
6,780 7 years ago 28

JAB’s Fast Jade Druid – Top 20 Legend (September 2017)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-42 - Archetype: Jade Druid - Player: Jab
7,000 7 years ago 27

Pavel’s Jade Druid – HCT Summer Championship 2017

Format: mammoth - Style: tournament - Season: season-43 - Archetype: Jade Druid - Player: Pavel
7,760 7 years ago 27

Kycoo’s KFT Plague Jade Druid – #1 Legend

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-41 - Archetype: Jade Druid
8,880 7 years ago 24

wiRer’s Malygos Druid (January 2018)

Format: mammoth - Style: ladder - Season: season-46 - Archetype: Malygos Druid - Player: wiRer
12,240 6 years ago 24

Orange’s Jade Druid – SeatStory Cup VI – December 2016

Format: kraken - Style: tournament - Season: season-33 - Archetype: Jade Druid - Player: Orange
7,140 7 years ago 24

(Wild) Jade Druid – #85 Legend (aoierias)

Format: wild - Style: ladder - Season: season-58 - Archetype: Jade Druid - Player: Stonekeep
6,160 5 years ago 23

Zalae’s Jade Golem Druid (December 2016, Season 33)

Format: kraken - Style: ladder - Season: season-33 - Archetype: Jade Druid - Player: Zalae
5,700 7 years ago 23
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