Best Decks for Climbing Ladder in (Standard) Season 26 and the May 2016 Ranked Card Back!

This will be the first full month of Whispers of the Old Gods and Standard in Ranked play. The decks have started to come together and it’s becoming pretty clear that Shaman is the big winner of the expansion so far. A bit of a surprise is that Rogue seems to have become one of the classes of choice when ranking up. Miracle Rogue has come back from the dead (again), and is doing a good job beating up slower decks.

May 2016 Ranked Card Back (Season 26)

If you make it to rank 20 during Season 26 then you’ll get this sweet card back!


Best Decks for Laddering in May 2016 Standard (Season 26)

Here are the best decks to get you up the ladder in Standard Season 26!

Fast and Efficient Aggro Decks

This deck feels pretty insane. I did some late laddering last night and breezed through the ranks never dropping a game until I ran up against another Shaman deck. The class just has so many strong cards that it’s so hard to deal with. It has one of the best removals in Hex, one of the best weapons with Doomhammer, and now a great 4-drop with Flamewreathed Faceless. It should be noted that while this deck is listed as Aggro, it can also play Midrange if necessary. It’s a bit of a hybrid mix of the two playstyles depending on your draw.

Warlock Zoo is a super strong deck list right now, and it gained a very impressive card in Darkshire Councilman. The deck also runs Forbidden Ritual which combos nicely with Councilman, but also pairs well with the recently “nerfed” Knife Juggler.

Control Decks

Laughing finished in the top-15 with this Freeze Mage deck list. Freeze Mage did not see much in the way of lost cards once Standard rolled around, and it has not had to change a whole lot to make it one of the top decks in the game currently.

Deathrattle Paladin with N’Zoth is the new deck on the block. It uses a lot of the new cards from the expansion and plays the mighty Ragnaros, Lightlord. The deck can hang with aggro and control decks while finishing the game out with N'Zoth, The Corruptor.

Midrange Decks

I’ve played a bit with this deck recently and have found it to be very impressive. If you gain a fair bit of experience with this new Patron list then you’ll find that it’s an extremely powerful deck that doesn’t require a lot of dust/legendaries.

After seeing the results from the first Standard tournament I’m starting to think C’Thun Druid might be a bit overrated. C'Thun itself is strong, but I’m not sure it’s going to be in any tier 1 decks. This is still a strong list, but we’ll see if it becomes a mainstay in the meta.

Combo Decks

Miracle Rogue was a hugely popular deck a long time ago and eventually got nerfed into oblivion. The deck came back in various forms but never caught on again. Now that Standard is here, the deck seems to have regained its strength and might be on the verge of becoming a tier 1 deck again!

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  1. Chris
    May 2, 2016 at 11:37 am

    Curious What The Top Wild Ladder Decks Look like?

    • Evident - Author
      May 2, 2016 at 11:39 am

      I’m guessing a lot of the decks that were popular before the launch of Standard, but I haven’t seen anyone really playing it.

  2. Genieblood
    May 2, 2016 at 10:26 am

    Can someone explain to me why Midrange hunter isn’t good? The lists look strong yet no one is playing it and no one is covering it.

    • Schism
      May 3, 2016 at 7:59 am

      Imo it’s not strong because of a similar reason that plagued it before standard. Secret pally outclassed it because of better/stronger on curve minions. In standard, shaman does this same similar thing as to where every drop shaman plays is stronger and combats the hunters early game. The loss of scientist to be able to deny the opponents tempo with traps is no longer an option now either. Hunter’s comeback mechanic is also weakened with the knife juggler nerf. Finally, it also doesnt match up very well with Patron warrior, Heavy removal control warrior, aggro shaman is to fast for it, and the new Control Pallies keep control of the board very well. I hope this answers your question.

      • HawKNight
        May 9, 2016 at 12:01 pm

        lol , i got top 100 legend with nzoth hunter season 25.

    • Martin
      May 3, 2016 at 8:24 am

      I’m running a midrange hunter myself (though not completely finished – it’s missing 2-3 key cards), I do find that it does decently but in games against these new c’thun druids and aggro/midrange shamans I often have a lot of trouble; if you ask me those two specific decks simply oftentimes have better options (take Flamewreathed Faceless for example – unless I have a hunter’s mark and at least one minion on board on turn 4, I’m pretty screwed); other than that I think the deck isn’t bad but is certainly not a top tier one