Optimized Menagerie Demonlock. It devours the other demonlocks. Got to dia 3 at S110

Class: Warlock - Format: wild - Type: control - Season: season-111 - Style: ladder

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Harp is good vs anything with a board early. voidcaller is obvious. you want 1 demon in hand from the start so you can play any drawn voidcaller immediately. Pozzik wins you some aggro matchups/is a strong turn 4. Immolate is ofc best played early, and thus you want it vs things you want to immolate. (shudderwock, other demonlocks, blood dk, ect.) Symphony is simply so strong, that it can swing you a game early mid. Hellfire is good clear vs aggro.

-sometimes you want siphon soul, and that's when you tech HARD.

-ofc, vs big priest hysteria is key.

Optimized Menagerie DemonLock. I think it’s the best demonlock variant, at least it’s stronger than any anyone I know has made and battled me with, or any I’ve faced in ranked, and it definitely has reached higher elo than anyone would say demonlock should reach. We are talking bottom of tier 10 at dia 3 here. I made it, because Demonlock is cool, N’zoth is cool, control archetype is cool, immolate is fcking amazing, and it gives high variety to your decks in friendlies. Very strong vs things it can beat, quite weak vs things it cannot beat. (some aggros are just too aggro despite perfect draw, and nothing warlock has can do anything about it).

I’m not sure how to get ETC cards to show, but Menagerie N’zoth is there and is soul of the deck. (+theotar and hysteria). I suggest you pick menagerie over theotar if you can, since theotar is giga lame, and n’zoth is giga cool. 😉

Menagerie N’zoth with 2x mo’arg forgefiend and dar’khan is Very strong for a menagerie. Allows 8-9-10-10 swings, and that 1 mana difference to normal n’zoth is very big.  + all of that, and few decks can keep clearing it. (surprisingly, they can keep the other two). On the other hand, if there’s a control deck that can clear it all, they will die to double symphony of sins. Most slow otk’s die to symphonies+immolate.

-btw side note immolate is often not dead, warlock can afford 1 dead card with its draw, and even if everything gets played, or they finley turn 3, chances are it disrupted their gameflow, forced them to combo too early, or they never wanted to finley ect. Hardly ever do you lose a game with that, but you can definitely win, and often do.-

Ofc felstring harp is by far the better weapon than the skull, that’s why there’s two of them. Skull is such bait. Fellstring easily heals you for net 10-20 hp in value. (4 with each tap, and you might symphony/felfire).

Sense demons is optimal with this little demons, chances of drawing voidcaller is high since your chances of having a demon in hand at that time is also high.

Finley is super strong with symphony.

Every other demon, like Mal’ganis -a glorified taunt/enemy cheers and winsgame- is redundant and away from maximized guldan value.

If you wanted to make this stronger, or adapt later for different things, habeas corpse is a good start, if you can afford it.

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