New Patch 21.6 Hotfix – Jerry Rig Carpenter + Hidden Oasis Fixed, Mercenaries, Battlegrounds and Duels Bug Fixes, Crashing Fixes

A new hotfix for Patch 21.6 is being released right now! By far the most important change is a fix Blizzard has already promised last week, but it took a while longer than I thought it will to get it released. The interaction between Jerry Rig Carpenter and Hidden Oasis has finally been fixed. Every Druid deck in the Wild included the combo and they were STRONG – the bug was causing both parts of Hidden Oasis to cost 0 mana after getting split by Carpenter. This means that playing Carpenter on T1/T2 came with both Patches (since it’s a Pirate), a 6/6 Taunt, and possibly even a Parachute Brigand. If you drew Carpenter in your opening hand, you won nearly every game – that’s how broken it was. Luckily, the hotfix will resolve it, which should impact the Wild meta heavily.

Other than that, we’ve got a bunch of bug fixes related to Mercenaries, Battlegrounds, Duels, achievements and game crashes. You can check out the full list below:

11/9 Update: We’re in the process of deploying a hotfix that includes the following changes:

  • [Wild] Fixed a bug where Hidden Oasis pieces cost 0 after being split by Jerry Rig Carpenter.
  • [Mercenaries] Adjusted matchmaking for players with very high MMR to be weighted more towards ratings instead of other matchmaking factors (such as Levels, Abilities, or Equipment).
  • [Mercenaries] Queued Abilities without targets will no longer still occur on the same turn that a Mercenary has been killed and reincarnated and/or resurrected.
  • [Mercenaries] Fixed a bug causing Blinkfox’s Tenth Tail to always reduce Abilities to 0 Speed. Note: we are aware that there is another bug with Blinkfox—that the Mind Thief Ability copies the first Ability copied for two turns while Tenth Tail is equipped—that bug is not yet resolved and is scheduled for a later date.
  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug causing desyncs in Diablo games, resulting in different players seeing different fight outcomes.
  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Diablo from receiving treasures if a player died on a Diablo turn.
  • [Duels] Fixed a bug where Diablo’s Claws of Terror would not damage adjacent minions after Blightborn Tamsin was played.
  • [Duels] Fixed a bug where Diablo’s Demonic Transformation would not add a demon to your hand when the cost of the discarded card was 0.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Monstrous Parrot’s achievement, “Carrion, My Wayward Son” to not count certain Deathrattles.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Dormant minions to not count towards the “Even Playing Field” achievement.
  • Fixed bugs causing crashes.

We will continue to update this post as we get more information.



A Hearthstone player and writer from Poland, Stonekeep has been in a love-hate relationship with Hearthstone since Closed Beta. Over that time, he has achieved many high Legend climbs and infinite Arena runs. He's the current admin of Hearthstone Top Decks.

Check out Stonekeep on Twitter!

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  1. VirginMinion
    November 10, 2021 at 7:49 am

    They haven’t done anything about the Tyrantus bug yet?

  2. Killyridols
    November 9, 2021 at 11:46 am

    Weren’t we supposed to be getting five free mercs today?