Forged in the Barrens Early Meta Decks – Hearthstone Pro & Streamer Legend Deck Lists, Deck Ideas, Decks for All Classes!

We will no longer update this post! Click here for the latest list of decks!

Our Forged in the Barrens decks roundup features a long list of decks that have been played by Legendary players, pros, and streamers. You will be able to find decks for all 10 classes. We will be keeping this post updated throughout the beginnings of the new expansion (roughly the first 4-5 days).

Forged in the Barrens is the first expansion of the Year of the Gryphon (2021). It’s worth noting that the expansion comes with the biggest rotation in Hearthstone’s history – in terms of pure numbers, but most likely also in terms of power. Rise of Shadows, Saviors of Uldum and Descent of Dragons all had a ton of strong cards that will no longer be playable in Standard. Between that and the Core Set replacing Basic + Classic, the rotation should have a massive impact on the meta and how the game is played. Things will look interesting over the next few days! If you weren’t with us during the reveal season, you can learn more about the expansion and see all the new cards in our Forged in the Barrens expansion guide.

Forged in the Barrens Deck Lists

Once the expansion launches, we will be feverishly posting new decks for the first few days. During the first couple of days, we aren’t very picky – there are no deck statistics so early, so we can’t sift through the bad decks. After the first few days, we start posting less, as meta forms, decks become more refined and it’s getting clear which builds are good and which aren’t.

If this isn’t your first expansion then this is obvious, but be very wary of decks early in the expansion. A deck can be popular one day and then never heard from again. This has happened multiple times in the past, and most likely will happen to at least one or two decks this expansion too. If you are a budget player, we recommend holding off for at least a week before committing to crafting anything. Spending Dust on hyped Legendaries on Day 1 is a very common mistake, and can leave you without the means to craft the actual meta Legendaries after everything settles.

Demon Hunter

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4+


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Day 3

Day 4+


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Day 3


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Day 3

Day 4+


Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4+


Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4+


Day 1

Day 2

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Day 4+


Day 1

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Day 1

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Day 3


A Hearthstone player and writer from Poland, Stonekeep has been in a love-hate relationship with Hearthstone since Closed Beta. Over that time, he has achieved many high Legend climbs and infinite Arena runs. He's the current admin of Hearthstone Top Decks.

Check out Stonekeep on Twitter!

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  1. Vincent
    April 4, 2021 at 2:52 pm

    2 flavors of the barrens: libram/secret paladin or lunacy mage. 17% average winrate difference between top and bottom class. 5 days into the new expansion and it’s time for a patch, I guess playtesting got skipped again. It might be an idea to do some buffs instead of nerfs this time, could be a refreshing change.

    • April 5, 2021 at 10:46 am

      Agreed. Lunacy mage is ubiquitous. I don’t think I’ve seen a single Shaman deck in 3 days… Demon Hunter and Hunter are hunting for the best Tier 3 deck. Druid, Priest and Warrior a bit in the middle… should we say Tier 2? Rogue is very underplayed, but could be a dark horse and compete for Tier 1? A bit too early, I know… just guessing.

  2. Drfury
    April 1, 2021 at 8:24 am

    Does anyone know if all spells should have a school? I am specifically referring to Cascading Disaster, but it’s a good general question as well. Thanks!

    • Meles
      April 5, 2021 at 3:52 am

      Definitely there are many spells with no school. I don’t know if there was any official explanation. I would assume it’s similar as with minions (only some minions have a tribe tag, many do not have any tag).

  3. April 1, 2021 at 7:39 am

    As usual, everyone is underrating tocken druid…Thorngrowth sentries are a pretty useful new card for this deck.

    • Kuskie
      April 2, 2021 at 10:35 pm

      Token Druid tends to flood the meta when there’s not many aggro decks. Since that’s kinda the only hard counter. I always abuse token in control metas for early legend 🙂

  4. Meles
    April 1, 2021 at 5:35 am

    Is anyone else getting Wrath of Air Totem (+1 Spell Damage) out of the Shaman’s HP?
    I thought it was supposed to be replaced by the new totem (Strength Totem), but strangely, I still get the old one from time to time.

    • SOUPZE
      April 1, 2021 at 1:45 pm

      Using a skin that isnt a version of thrall still gives you a spell totem. Because you see blizzard is a small indie company

  5. Gibilan
    March 31, 2021 at 4:32 pm

    Very weak start..

  6. Njuns
    March 31, 2021 at 9:57 am

    Is it just me or that page doesn’t work well on computer ? Like it only shows the first decks from yesterday, whereas on my phone it works perfectly

    • Stonekeep - Site Admin
      March 31, 2021 at 11:10 am

      Can you check again please? Devs have tried to flush all caches.

      • Njuns
        March 31, 2021 at 8:46 pm

        Yes it’s all good now thanks !

        Keep up the good work <3

        • Medo
          April 1, 2021 at 12:51 am

          Idk why but for me the site shows things from like 2 or 3 days ago and I have to login to make it update to today. Appreciate the great work

      • DanteVarjo
        April 1, 2021 at 5:08 am

        Definitely not working properly still. Without being logged in this page doesn’t update at all.

  7. Kapslocke
    March 31, 2021 at 7:44 am

    My control outpost warlock:

    ### Outpost Control
    # Classe: Bruxo
    # Formato: Padrão
    # Ano do Grifo
    # 2x (1) Carcereiro Espiritual
    # 2x (1) Comerciante de Armadura
    # 1x (1) Estudos Demoníacos
    # 2x (2) Drenar Alma
    # 2x (2) Posto Remoto
    # 1x (2) Talhar Alma
    # 2x (3) Escorpídeo Peçonhento
    # 2x (3) Espíritos da Escola
    # 2x (3) Histeria
    # 2x (3) Posto de Mor’shan
    # 1x (3) Tamsin Roame
    # 2x (4) Desastre em Cascata
    # 1x (5) Ogromante
    # 1x (5) Reitor Kel’Thuzad
    # 1x (6) Ingressius
    # 1x (7) Animóloga Malícia
    # 1x (7) Fortão
    # 1x (7) Kargal Chaga de Guerra
    # 1x (8) Espiral Etérea
    # 1x (9) Lorde Jaraxxus
    # 1x (10) Y’Shaarj, o Profanador

  8. Skuwd
    March 31, 2021 at 5:30 am

    How long should i wait before crafting a new deck? Im only using the core decks rn lol.

    • Chi.Spurger
      March 31, 2021 at 6:38 am

      Wait untill the meta report drops in a couple of weeks. Untill then, play with the cards you slready have

    • Kapslocke
      March 31, 2021 at 7:41 am

      Hunter and rogue are usually cheaper decks. Try to craft some without legendaries before building an expensive one.

  9. INeedHealing123
    March 31, 2021 at 2:48 am

    I don’t know if it’s just me, but I see 90% mages on ladder

    • INeedHealing123
      March 31, 2021 at 4:59 am

      Also G’hun has broken visuals. Blood droplets stay on the board after you play the drawn cards. Looks kinda cool