Twig Togwaggle Combo Druid

Class: Druid - Format: mammoth - Type: combo - Season: season-48 - Style: fun

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This is a combo deck with Toggy as the key card.

plan: ramping  and drawing as much as you can. Trying to control the board and dowing the combo

Full combo:

1. Empty deck and Twig of the world tree at 1 durability + Togwaggle+ Heropower

2. Gain 10 mana by attacking

3. 2x coldlight’s + 2x naturalize

= 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+ 9(draw at the start of the turn) damage = 45 damage

When you can’t get the 10 mana from the wapon togwaggle + 2x naturilze is also very good. Still 15 damage face, 2 minions removed, a 5/5, and your opponent loses 5 mana with the king’s ransom the next turn ( so no gul’dan turn).

An alternative when skulking geist is played against control deck is (when you have the coin) is twilight oracle+coin+togwaggle so they burn the king’s ransom and you steel there deck. As your deck is mostly card draw you’re in the advantage. Against Tempo mage when you play around the secrets and manage to stay alive you can mill them hard when they have aluneth running (without togwaggle).

This deck is doing good against slow decks like control warlock or warrior. And doing not to bad against the more aggressive decks. I am not playing it very long but it’s really fun playing and worth making if you’ve got most cards. 

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