THEORYCRAFT KFT For Fun Taunt Ramp Druid

Class: Druid - Format: mammoth - Type: ramp - Season: season-41 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

See Aggro and Control mulligans for details.

Aggro Mulligans

Innervate is top pick vs aggro. Wild growth is a bit slow, but the extra mana will help you get out protective taunts like Crypt lord and spreading plague earlier.

Midrange Mulligans

See Aggro and Control mulligans for details.

Control Mulligans

You mainly want ramp, card generation and card draw vs control. You can keep Malfurion because of the enormous value of the HP which is a direct better version of he starting HP.

VS Control

Idk how viable this deck is, but with great late game cards like Ultimate InfestationThe Lich King and Hadronox ramp Druid should be able to bring some insane strength to the control vs control matchup. Stonehill defender got even better options with the addition of The Lich King.

The Curator has enough beasts and two dragons so it should usually be able to give a two card draw, if not it still has synergy with Hadronox. While its true that Hadronox is a bit slow and hard to pop, there is at this point still not that much boardsteal and silence that it should be a huge treat. This deck also has The Lich King , Malfurion the Pestilent and Ultimate Infestation to out value and out tempo another control deck.

VS Aggro

While this deck has few direct threats to aggro, it aims to survive and then out value. With cards like Druid of the Swarm, Crypt Lord and Spreading Plague your able to stall with big life taunts, while you still have Swipe and Wrath as removal tools. Earthen Scales, Feral Rage and Malfurion the Pestilent  are your main sources of healing. Because of the double taunt and +5 armor Malfurion the Pestilent should actually be playable even vs aggro at turn 7, and after that you will be able to tank up +3 armor per turn, while dropping big taunts.

Earthen Scales should possibly be replaced with Healing Wave, or stronger early game. Could also be replaced with an activator for Hadronox or Tar Creeper

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