The Real Pirate Rogue

Class: Rogue - Format: kraken - Type: aggro - Season: season-35 - Style: ladder

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Aggro Mulligans

These early one drops are critical for your success with this deck. It doesn't mean that if you don't draw them you will automatically lose but I do believe you are at a disadvantage. Cards like Shady Dealer and Southsea Captain are fine keeps if you possess a 1 drop pirate as they will be buffing as soon as they hit the board.

Backstab will also help with the other aggro decks that will try and out start you early on. If you are facing down a Reno Mage or Warlock it's best to just toss it away.

This deck is all about using the natural pirate synergies found in the Rogue class with burst potential at the end to completely devastate your opponent. Early pirate cards like Small-time Buccaneer and Southsea Deckhand start dealing damage right off the hop paving the way for cards like Shady Dealer and Southsea Captain to improve the board state even more. End game potential includes Eviscerates and Leeroy+cold bloods. Not unusual to do upwards of 15 damage in one swoop.

I found this deck needs to start on time which means early! Mulligan for those early 1 drops but if you queue into a pirate warrior don’t be afraid to drop a huge VanCleef.

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