Tavern Brawl Patron Warrior

Class: Warrior - Format: wild - Type: midrange - Style: tavern-brawl

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Deck Import

Patron Warrior was always an unbalanced deck before Warsong Commander was nerfed. For those who did not play before the nerf, the deck relied on combining Warsong, who then gave charge to your minions, and playing Grim Patron or Frothing Berserker, and attacking for ridiculous amounts of damage. Now with the Taunt and Charge fate, you can give all your Grim Patrons taunt and charge, allowing you to destroy your opponents board, or do massive damage directly with Frothing Berserker. Cards likeBolster and Commanding Shout also work very well with this fate, as it allows you to abuse Grim Patron‘s ability, either making all of the patrons 5/5’s, or by letting you attack powerful minions and still get more patrons. Other than that, it plays like an ordinary Patron warrior deck.

Fate Choices

The best fates to choose are Confusion and Armor. Armor allows you to get massive damage with Shield Slam, and also prolongs Dire Fates, which can be bad if one does not have Patrons in hand. Confusion helps your patrons and berserker survive your opponents turn, while reverting them to normal at the start of your turn. If for some reason both of these are unavailable, take Bananas or Coin. Usually Bananas against aggro, and Coin against control.

Dire Fate Choices

The best dire fate for this deck is usually Taunt and Charge. Sometimes, you may want to take Windfury to give extra damage to Frothing Berserker, or to make more patrons and deal more damage. You can also take Card if your opponent chose Portals, or in an emergency, Murlocs.


  • Grommash Hellscream can be replaced fairly easily, as the Taunt and Charge does little for him. Other large minions, such as Deathwing, or even North Sea Kraken can replace him fairly well.
  • Shield Slam is a very good card in this deck, mostly because of the Armor fate, but an extra Slam or bash can replace it.
  • Commanding Shout works well in this deck, but many people do not have it. You can try adding Revenge instead.

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