Soul/Rattle DH (May 2021)

Class: Demon Hunter - Format: gryphon - Season: season-86

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This is the list I’ve been using in Diamond to great success and wanted to share because I haven’t seen any lists with the Malicia/Soul package and the Deathrattle package together. The Soul Fragments allow you to have the big Malicia turn but also garner up enough life gain to counteract the Darkspear Berserker -5 hits and aggro decks in general. I opted for Chaos Strike over Eye Beam because it’s more proactive and can be a nice turn 2 play if you have Tuskpiercer (I had some awkward turn two plays before when I wasn’t sure what Tuskpiercer would draw and thus reluctant to hero power and ended up wasting mana). A consideration is Burning Blade Acolyte which is huge if drawn off Blackthorn but otherwise a slow play. Also difficult to say if I like Performer or Flyer more–Flyer offers more value so may switch those around. The other possible cut is Kor’vas but it has worked well in some games and gives a little more life gain in the right match-ups. Let me know if you give the list a try and any suggestions!

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  1. AsuraSlash9
    May 13, 2021 at 3:48 pm

    I run a similar list, but I can’t play Inquisitor without raging Felscreamer. Maybe it’s just me, but I happen to draw the Inquisitor soon way too often and can’t play it and can’t play Skull because of that and so on and so on.

    • Jpsheridan - Author
      May 16, 2021 at 9:20 am

      I hear you there! It’s just that Felscreamer is (to me) a really slow and bad card on its own. I prefer to just hold the weapon strikes for a turn or two so I can make the hit on 8 with Inquisitor. None of my matchups had any weapon removal so that’s not a concern. Skull is always a pain but when set up right can be game-winning.