SirCKH’s Miracle Jade Rogue

Class: Rogue - Format: kraken - Season: season-34 - Style: ladder

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Added 2 Unearthed raptors!

Hey Guys,

As promised I will give you the details to how to play this deck and what you should look for during the mulligan!

First we’ll start with the Mulligan:

Generally there are 2 types of mulligans 

1. Mulligans vs Aggro
2. Mulligans vs Control and Reno

1) Mulligans vs Aggro:
Mainly you are hoping for the coin. (the coin is insane for rogue as you all know!)

If you have the coin you have to be looking for an SI:7 Agent and cards like and Fan of Knives.

Other cards with a lot of value are the Swashburglar and Jade Swarmer

Game vs aggro:

Aggro decks have one goal, overrunning the board with minions faster than you can clear them and ALWAYS GO FACE!

This is where the spells like Backstab and SI:7 Agent come in handy. 

since SI:7 is a pretty good body and can clear a minion when you combo it, it is basicly perfect to counter aggro.

The Jade Swarmer is also a card that is definetly worth coining. Since it gives you the chance to trade it in, which gives you another 1/1 Jade Golem, and It starts the building process of the Jade Golems.

Once you come to turn 4 you try to set up you game by playing cards such as Tomb Pillager

From there on you want to play your game like any other miracle deck gather some resources like coins and Preperation so you can get a LOT of value from Gadgetzan auctioneer. 

Your late game will mainly consist of keeping your opponent’s board clear and getting as much damage in as possible.

Good Luck!

Now for the Control and Reno matchups.

2. vs Control and Reno:

For the mulligan you do not want to keep cards such as Backstab and Fan of Knives since they won’t have value in the early game Idealy you are looking for cards such as Jade Swarmer and Jade Spirit the sooner you start building your Jade Golems the better. But important is to not over-extend. since control decks like to remove big boards with AOE-cards, you definetly want to keep some Jade Cards in your hand so when he loses his AOE you can reload the board.

Sap is also an extremely powerfull card against control decks. 

Reno and control decks play really high, but pretty slow cards like Sylvanas and Twilight Drakes. Sapping these cards to keep you board alive is definetly something you want to be doing. 

and to finish it off. Keep the Jade Shurikens for clearing minions and to combo with Gadgetzan Auctioneer to cycle some more through your deck and to build you Jade Golems even more.

hope you guys enjoy the deck as much as I do!

If you any further questions you can add me on HS SirCKH#2854!

Have fun and see you next time!

GL HF! 🙂

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  1. 8BitBrain
    January 10, 2017 at 4:02 pm

    Have you considered leeroy? I don’t own all the cards, can I add him in? Thanks 😀

    • SirCKH - Author
      January 12, 2017 at 9:06 am

      Yes you could definetly switch him in!
      Also I added 2 unearthed raptors to copy aya’s Deathrattle and the jade swarmers!
      Adds up really nice!