Shadowform, Reno and N’Zoth oh my!

Class: Priest - Format: kraken - Type: control - Season: season-29 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

Those are your general cards to keep in almost any given matchup. It can be correct to keep one Shadowform to have Reno Jackson ready whenever you need him, but you should draw into one of the Shadowforms sooner or later anyway.

Aggro Mulligans

If you play against Zoo, you can consider keeping Shadow Madness as well, because this is the card (in addition to your board clears) that can turn around a board state almost on its own.

Hi guys, how’s it going, Pommesfee here. (obvious Kripparian reference)

So while everyone’s bitching about the current state of Priest as a class, I decided that I try to have some fun with it despite Priest being referred to as the worst class in the game right now. Also, I didn’t want to try-hard my way into the upper ranks again with Zoo and Dragon Warrior on the first days of the season and instead wanted to do something different, even if it meant the climb would take longer than usual.

Anyway, after some tweaking, here’s what I came up with and what I feel like is a pretty solid (but surely not perfect) list which I want to share with you.

When it comes to playing the deck, you want to play the first 3-4 turns like a tpyical midrange deck, try to stay on curve and trade 1:1. Trade favorably if you can, of course – but trading 1:1 is perfectly fine, you want to keep the board as clear as possible until you draw into Shadowform and from there you will have an easy time to control the board at will.

When playing Museum Curator on turn 2, you want to pick something that fills out your curve nicely. It’s tempting to pick a Sylvanas or Cairne, but if you have nothing to play on turn 3 or 4, picking an additional Shifting Shade, Infested Tauren or Harvest Golem is usually the better play.

Edit: I recently reached rank 5 with this deck. It doesn’t say much, but it does prove that it’s not complete rubbish.

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  1. Trollorist
    October 1, 2016 at 8:23 am

    Not sure if you’ll spot this post, but since the release of Tyrande, I have been using your deck list and it works fairly decent. Any recent changes regarding Karazhan?

    • Trollorist
      October 2, 2016 at 1:13 am

      I’ve cut out the Cabal Shadow Priest because there really aren’t that many targets in the meta to steal. Best result is when I steal their Thalnos, but otherwise no such luck. I’ve added the Bishop and it fits the curve much better, since the 6 slot is already crowded. Also, the Ringseer could be replaced with Barnes but he sometimes helps with decent heals, so I kept it.

  2. Pommesfee - Author
    August 15, 2016 at 10:20 pm

    Cards that I tested and ultimately didn’t make the cut:
    Auchenai Soulpriest + Circle of Healing
    Forbidden Shaping
    Northshire Cleric
    Confessor Paletress
    Wild Pyromancer (not enough spells overall)
    Twilight Summoner
    Nexus-Champion Saraad

    • MageOfFry
      August 20, 2016 at 10:04 am

      I think onyx bishop could make the cut in this deck, there are a lot of high-value minions that could be resurrected.

      • Pommesfee - Author
        August 20, 2016 at 2:11 pm

        I created the deck before Kharazan came out and because it performed well, I didn’t really feel the need to change anything so far. I did consider Onyx Bishop and Barnes already though but soon thought Barnes would not be good enough (“only” roughly 60% of the minions would be good to pull out of the deck which isn’t consistent enough for me). Bishop on the other hand could really shine I guess. Just have to make room for it and try it out. At 5 mana though, it’s hard to cut something of the same mana cost (both board clears and the healing guy are pretty important to the deck) so you would have to either cut some early game or some late game finishers for the Bishop.