Reno N’zoth-Jade Druid (Wild)

Class: Druid - Format: wild - Type: fatigue - Season: season-35

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Not near enough dust or gold to get half the cards. Someone test this please.

Although lacking controlling spells (Druid just seems to have this as a theme), the deck has a lot of massive late-game swings, theoretically infinite deck size, and a decent amount of heal. Innervate, Blossom, Nourish, and possibly Thaurissan can help bring the late turns closer, while Refreshment Vendor and Feral Rage help with sustain and/or board presence. Fandral can make your high-value cards even stronger. Deathlord, Sludge Belcher, and Ancient of War can stall the game out to late, late turns, where this deck should thrive. Its hard to deal with an endless horde of jades, AND the N’zoth.

N’zoth’s my favorite legendary, as he fits in near-every control deck I’ve made. (I dont have many legendaries or epics) Reno has been a lot of fun, and a deck revolving around insane heal, hyper-efficient creatures, etc. etc., seems like a blast to experiment with. Dunno about viability though

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