Renathal Aggro Token

Class: Druid - Format: hydra - Type: aggro - Season: season-102 - Style: ladder

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All the standard 30-cards token druid decks out there are only different by swapping between a few cards. So why not take all the cards that will help you build early tempo by just adding in Renathal? 

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  1. WhipWhap
    September 15, 2022 at 4:01 pm

    this not only weakens your general mulligan but also adds a completely worthless minion to your deck… Why would you ever want to run renathal in an aggro deck??

    • Reallyami - Author
      September 15, 2022 at 5:02 pm

      How does this weaken mulligan when there are double the 1-cost minion options? You really feel like the standard aggro druid decks that only takes two or three 1-cost generally has a better mulligan? (
      Being able to take every low cost tokens(not having to choose between mark/power of wild) and draw-cards literally gives you more board preassure.

      • WhipWhap
        September 15, 2022 at 9:42 pm

        the additional 1-drops you’ve added like vibrant squirrel only increase your deck size, decreasing the odds of finding the real powerhouse 1-drops like irondeep trogg. there’s really no reason to sully the refined decklists by adding things that didn’t make the 30 card cut.