Class: Mage - Format: wild - Type: control - Season: season-23 - Style: ladder

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How does this deck work?

Well, this deck is similar deck to Control Warrior. You are trying to survive the early game and smash your enemy in late game, by becoming Ragnaros and kill everything with your hero power and huge minions.

Every card explanation.

Zombie Chow x2 – Zombie Chow is just a very good 1 drop which gives you chance to trade in early.

Frostbolt x2 – Just a removal for smaller minions like Knife Juggler or whatever you want.

Explosive Sheep – Sheep works like Consecration and is VERRY good vs Agro Paladin.

Loot Hoarder – Just a draw mechanic. Can be replaced for Acolyte of Pain, but Reno Jackson will be harder to play.

Mad Scientist x2 – No need to explan.

Ice Barrier x2 – It’s additional 8 hp when you are Ragnaros and will save your live many times.

Ice Block x2 – you can’t play Majordomo Executus without it, that’s one of most important card in this deck.

Acolyte of Pain – Good draw. You can ping it with your hero power.

Big Game Hunter – Removal for huge minons. Sometimes you can use it on your Majordomo Executus, if you need to transform.

Fireball – Another removal, you can also use it on Majordomo Executus

Polymorph x2 – Next two removals.

Animated Armor That’s the card is able to make you alive for one more turn but the most important task is winning the faique fights becuse u will always get 1 dmg from fatique

Water Elemental Mid-game control minion.

Sludge Belcher Mid-game control minion.

Coldarra Drake That’s the card which make you able to win the game. After droping this, when you are Ragnaros, you can use your hero two times, so it’s 16 dmg and if it survive one turn you will deal 5*8=40 dmg in one turn.

Emperor Thaurissan He’s just making Majordomo Executus not that bad card and you can for example drop Majordomo Executus andIce Block at the same turn.

Reno Jackson I added him becuse there is a lot of single card and legendaries.

Sylvanas Windrunner Your opponents will use their removals or make a trade bad for them.

Flamestrike x2 – Aoe that let you take control of the game.

Dr. Boom – The most balanced card in the game.

Ragnaros the Firelord Becuse you are playing with Majordomo Executus in deck, Ragnaros will hit what you want. (sometimes)

Alexstrasza – Play her when you are Ragnaros, so you will be 15 hp

Majordomo Executus– (Must be Golden) The main card of this deck. Let you get your $WAG on and win every game.

Few helpful things

  1. With Alexstrasza you can have 15 hp and later you can heal up to 15
  2. If your oppenent will activate you Ice Block and then kill Majordomo Executus you will have no Ice block as Ragnaros
  3. You will not keep your armor when you will become Ragonaros

Have fun. And remember it’s always funny if you win by Ragnaros. BY FIRE BE PURGED


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  1. RJ
    February 22, 2016 at 1:37 pm

    Is a non golden version of Majordomo a good replacement for the golden one?

    • Gendokis - Author
      February 23, 2016 at 12:52 am

      You can try normal Majordomo but you will be unable to BMing.

  2. CalaN
    February 20, 2016 at 12:36 pm

    you got an replacement for coldarra drake? maybe harrison?

    • CalaN
      February 20, 2016 at 12:37 pm

      nvm, just realized its not really replaceable 😛