QL Druid – #316 Legendary (Generica) – Wild S112

Class: Druid - Format: wild - Type: combo - Season: season-112 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

Rake is an obvious choice to mull for, but only if you're playing against aggro. So basically if you see your opponent play Rogue or Shaman. 

Harmonic Mood lets you get out the first stage of the quest if you play it on turn two from your hand, and four damage could be the difference between a win or a loss depending on what deck you're playing against.

Free spirit/groovy cat improve the hero power, so they're no-brainers. 

Peaceful piper lets you draw out Free Spirit, Groovy Cat, and Umbral Owl.

Pounce and Claw let you get some extra damage in, which is also helpful if you need to kill some low health minions in the early game. 

And of course you're always keeping the quest in your hand. There is no situation where you want to get rid of the quest. The whole point of the deck is the quest.

The deck I used to grind up the ladder. Pretty standard questline druid deck, with a few minor additions.

  • I threw in Oracle of Elune because I discovered that being able to double the 0 mana minions the deck spits out is pretty good in most matchups. It generates a lot of threats your opponent has to either deal with immediately, or they straight-up die.
  • ETC’s there so I can run tech cards like Rivendare for an extra wincon in case I run into a control matchup, but I’m honestly thinking I might cut him.
  •  Free Spirit’s thrown in just so I have an extra one-drop to be able to play on curve, and because I don’t own copies of Secure the Deck. I’d probably swap that or Claw out for Secure the Deck once I get enough dust to craft it. The extra spell gen matters a lot for this deck.

Playstyle’s pretty obvious. Against control, hit your opponent in the face until they die. If that doesn’t work, drop Oracle of Elune and use her ability to double out big zero-mana minions to flood your opponent with too many threats.

Always make sure you try to keep a Rake or a one-drop in-hand just in case you find yourself playing against aggro. I don’t know what’s up with the Pirate Rogue bots on ladder right now but I’ve run into way, way too many of them Out of the fifty games I played to grind up to legend, like 25 of them were Pirate Rogue bots.

Your gameplan against aggro is to just outlast your opponent. Being able to double your giants, owls, and keepers means that you’ll always outvalue your opponent in the long run so play for board, smack your opponent in the face, and pray to RNGesus that you don’t draw like asscheeks. And that your opponent does. 

And against combo decks, it really depends on what flavor of deck you’re playing against. In the mirror-match for this deck I typically play more control, conserving resources until I get a big turn where I can swing for face; but if you’re playing against priest or mage then your only real chance is to either kill them ASAP or try to get rivendare down and pray that you don’t draw like asscheeks. And that your opponent does. 

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