legendary’s Season 27 Tempo Mage

Class: Mage - Format: kraken - Type: tempo - Season: season-27 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

Same keeps as a normal Tempo Mage. Mana Wyrm can win if unchecked and puts an insane amount of pressure. Flamewaker I keep if I have a coin. I also like to have one piece of early removal, which the deck has plenty of.

Aggro Mulligans

Pretty much the same thing as a general hand except I like removal over my two drops because the have two toughness. Water elemental is also insane against aggro, especially pirate warrior, so that's a definite keep even in the opening hand.

Midrange Mulligans

This is the usual matchup, so it's close to the general opener. I'd prioritize cult sorcerer and arcane blast though, as doing four damage for 1 mana is really good, and helps you keep the tempo in your favor. If playing rogue, just don't play it into a backstab without getting value out of it.

Combo Mulligans

Exactly the same as a general keep, because that's what the deck does best. Get some early pressure and keep tempo by disrupting any combos they might try.

Control Mulligans

Get early creatures that they have to remove, and card draw. You want early pressure, but don't need removal to clear the board most of the time. It's better you draw into it that and you're card that replace themselves.

Playing with a Tempo Mage to climb the ladder this season. Truthfully, I’m in love with the deck. When the pieces line up, it’s incredibly fun, so I’m committed to keep working with it.

Most of the pieces for the usual Tempo Mage are there, and the standout card for me has been Mukla. Since I put him in I won the last 10 games. He’s a perfect addition mid game alongside azure drake and ethereal conjurer to replace themselves and load back up for more explosive turns. That is why I also added Acolyte of Pain, but maybe coldlight seer would be stronger?

Also, I have the dust for Archmage Antoine (not misspelled, that’s what I call him) but since he’d only be used for this deck, I’m wondering if it’s worth it?

I’m willing/hoping to tweak the deck here and there to make it better, so let me know about any suggestions in the comments.

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