[Legend] 68%Winrate Standard Secret N’zoth Paladin, farming warrior on ladder

Class: Paladin - Format: kraken - Type: midrange - Season: season-28 - Style: ladder

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Since the release of WOTG, the ladder has been filled with one class: Warrior. With many variations such as Pirate aggro Warrior, Tempo Dragon to Control C’thun warrior. Warrior has successfully dominated the ladder. Therefore I wanted to make a deck to counter them, hence I created ‘Secret N’Zoth Paladin’. A Midrange version of the Control N’Zoth Paladin, with powerful Midrange cards like ‘Mysterious Challenger’.

First of all, the deck’s playstyle is completely different from the original ‘pre standard secret paladin’. Its playstyle is in fact very similar to the currently quite popular Midrange Hunter, where you constantly fight for the board and be ahead on   tempo. Instead of finishers like ‘Call of the Wild’, you have ‘Tirion’ and ‘N’Zoth’; Instead of ‘Savanah Hymane’, you have ‘Mysterious challenger’ on turn 6 which applies huge pressure to your opponent.

Secondly, you might ask,’how do I farm warrior with this deck?’ Out of all the variations of warrior, C’thun warrior is the easiest matchup, whilst pirate warrior can be tough. You can easily counter ‘Fiery Win-Axe’ with the ‘redemption+2 drop’ combo. You play ‘redemption’ on turn 1 and following it up with ideally a deathrattle 2-drop, such as ‘Huge Toad’ or ‘Loot hoarder’ for maximum N’Zoth value. With this starting hand, you can stay ahead on tempo despite the warrior using ‘Win-axe’ to trade away ur minions. You might also consider keeping a six drop such as ‘Mysterious Challenger’ or ‘Cairne’ if you have the coin in your starting hand, so you can coin them out on turn 5. Don’t be afraid to commit into brawl, try and bait out the two brawls by generating a huge board time and time again, then use N’Zoth when you see two brawls are gone to win the game. Lastly, remember keeping ‘Harrison Jones’ to destroy ‘Gorehowl’.

Thirdly, ‘What do I do when I que into Shaman or Zoo instead of warrior?’ Well you are going to have a tough game. However, the deck is equipped with enough anti-aggro cards to beat these aggro decks.’Forbidden healing’ to heal for 20; ‘Aldor Peacekeeper’ and ‘Keeper of Uldaman’ to give you favourable trades and neutralise those 4 mana 7/7s; 2X ‘consecration’ to wipe the zoo boards which now doesn’t have many sticky deathrattles; ‘Harrison Jones’ to draw you six cards and ‘Tirion’ a 6/6 Taunt with divine shield where aggro shamans and zoo cannot easily deal with. So the game plan against aggro is contest the board early on in the game to preserve your health,use ‘Aldor peacekeeper’ to do favouable trade and redemption+2drop’ combo to maintain as much tempo as you can. ‘Redemption’ + ‘Infested Tauren’ is also a great combo against aggro decks as they have to go through 2 taunts to hit face. Be aware of ‘Sea giant’ and ‘Flamewreath Faceless’ and make sure you have ‘Keeper of Uldaman’ or ‘Aldor Peacekeeper’ to deal with them. If your opponent has really bad curve, you might be able to stabilize this way, however this is very unlikely. Therefore when you are about to loose the board, pray to god you have ‘Consecration’ in your hand. Look for the perfect moment to use your AOE and flip the board back to your favour and start applying pressure yourself. By this time you would probably be at 15-20 health, the aggro deck might switch strategy and go all face. Here the best curve would be ‘Mysterious challenger’ on 6, ‘Forbidden healing’ for 14 on turn 7, then play ‘Tirion’ to stabilize. Against these aggro decks with almost no board clears, you should play ‘N’zoth’ as soon as possible as they have no way to deal with all the resummon minions.

Card Choices

1)Divine Favour: People might think there is no need for divine favour along with 2 Loot hoarders and Azure drake for card draws. However very often you run out of cards quite quickly and divine favour can draw you cards when you are out of steam. Aim to draw 3+ cards against control decks, whilst you should be happy if you manage to draw 1 card against aggro.

2) Forbidden healing: a pretty useless card in a control matchup, but the card is tech in to give you a higher chance of winning against aggro decks. Use the card wisely as it is your only healing.

3) Aldor Peacekeeper + Keeper of Uldaman: These cards are your big game removals. They also give you favourable trades to maintain tempo.

4) Infested Tauren: A week 4 drop but the card synergies with redemption very well. Also it is nice to get a taunt from N’Zoth.

5) Azure Drake: A good 5 drop which not only grant you a card draw but also synergies with Consecration.

6) Harrison Jones: The meta is currently very weapon-heavy. It is quite nice to completely ruined shaman’s game plan and draw 6 cards. You can replace it by taking out a Loot Hoarder, add an Acidic Swamp Ooze and another Azure Drake.

7) Redemption: This card synergies with half of the deck as the resummon one health deathrattle minion will again be re-summoned by N’Zoth. The dream is to Redemption+Tirion/Cairne for maximum N’zoth value.

8) NO Sylvanas: This deck is a midrange/tempo deck, Sylvanas is for control and it’s way too slow here and most of the time won’t get value.

9) NO Ragnaros Lightlord: In theory the card would be really good and much better than forbidden healing. However the problem is the healing effect is to a random target and a lot of the time there are many damaged minions on board. Tried out the card and was not convinced by it.

10) NO Ragnaros firelord: Ragnaros mana cost is too high and it fights for the same spot with Tirion. The matchup against control is already great and does not require more burst. You can definitely tech-in the card if you wish.

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  1. Leunghhm - Author
    July 16, 2016 at 10:08 pm

    A matchup and mulligan guide in the comment as I reached words limit above:
    Favourable Matchups and Mulligan
    C’thun warrior: 85/15. Very favourable matchup, as mention above, bait out two brawls, ‘Ashbringer’ swing face, N’zoth to win the game. Mulligan for any 2 drops, ‘redemption’ is ok to keep, and 6 drop if you have coin.
    Dragon Warrior: 70/30. Avoid playing a 2 attack 2-drop on turn 2 to play around ‘Alexstrasza Champion’. Mulligan for Huge toad, Flame Juggler and redemption, a 3 drop if you already have two drops.
    Midrange Hunter: 65/35. A good matchup as hunter does not have AOE to clear your board. Try and stay ahead of tempo and kill any beasts to avoid beast synergies. Make sure you clear everything before turn 8, or ‘Call of the wild’ would give those minions +1attack and give them favourable trades. Mulligan for any 2 drop (ideally flame juggler to kill Fiery bat), redemption you can keep if you have a good deathrattle to follow up,3-drop if you already have a 2-drop and Truesilver Champion.
    C’thun Druid: 55/45. C’thun druid is an ok matchup as you have few big game removal such as ‘Keeper of Uldaman’ and ‘Aldor peacekeeper’. Druid also has no way to deal with ‘Tirion’ apart from Mulch. Mulligan for any 2 drops and Keeper of Uldaman’ or ‘Aldor Peacekeeper’ to counter any innervate+big minions.
    N’Zoth Rogue: 55/45. Rogue only board clear is ‘Fan of knives’ whilst ‘Sap’ on Tirion can also be painful so watch out for that.Whoever plays N’Zoth first win in this matchup.Mulligan for Redemption and flame juggler to play around backstab, you can also consider keeping Truesilver Champion.

    50/50 average matchups
    Miracle Rogue: 50/50. As you can see, this deck does not have ‘Equality’. Therefore there is almost no way to deal with a concealed Gadgetzan. However, if you apply enough board pressure in the early game, you might be able to win. Mulligan for Redemption and flame juggler to play around backstab, you can should also keep Truesilver Champion.
    Midrange ‘Totem’ Shaman: 50/50. Surprisingly, this matchup is a 50/50 matchup. Of course if your opponent curve out insanely there is nothing you can do, but most of the time they don’t. There only board clears are Lightning storms so play around that, kill all totems so chances of getting spell totem into lightning storm is lower and also plays around flame tongue and Thunder bluff Valiant. Try and bait out the one or two hex before Tirion. Most midrange shaman only run one or no doomhammer now, so keep Harrison Jones for it.
    Token/Yogg Druid: 50/50. Despite having 2 consecration, it can still be insufficient enough to deal with Token Druid’s constant board. Watch out for savage roar and make sure you kill Fandral. Mulligan for ‘Keeper of Uldaman’ or ‘Aldor Peacekeeper’ to counter any innervate combo and consecration and again any 2 drops.
    Tempo Mage: In theory it should be a 50/50 matchup or even a good matchup. But with the addition of ‘Yogg Saron’, once you go ahead on board, your opponent just plays Yogg, clear your board, draw some cards, play some secrets, then by this way you go from having lethal next turn, to getting killed next turn. They also have polymorph for ‘Tirion’ so beware of that. You can maybe consider this a unfavorable matchup purely because of Yogg. Mulligan for any 2 drops and truesilver champion to kill flamewaker.

    Unfavourable matchups
    Renolock: 45/55. This is a tough matchup as renolock has so many board clears. The way to win this game is swing ‘Ashbringer’ face 6 times, 3 charges from the first tirion and another 3 charges from the resummon tirion’s ashbringer. Try and bait out shadowflame and twisting nether before N’zoth. Watch out for leeroy’s 20 damage burst and if your opponent somehow managed to play ‘Lord Jaraxxus’ on an empty board, you have most likely lost.
    Aggro Shaman:40/60. Follow the guide above to beat aggro shaman. This matchup requires you to draw extremely well by getting ‘forbidden healing’ and ‘Tirion’ on time. Mulligan for redemption, any two drops, Aldor Peacekeeper or Keeper of Uldaman to neutralise 4 mana 7/7s.
    Freeze Mage:35/65. An extremely tough matchup as this deck wins by having board control and freeze mage have so many AOEs. Fortunately there aren’t many freeze mage in ladder due to shaman and warrior popularity. You can tech in ‘Ragnaros’ to have a more favourable matchup if you face freeze mage a lot.
    Zoo: 35/65. Zoo is extremely hard to beat as it is extremely difficult to have board control against them. Zoo can build up a threatening board much quicker than shaman with the power of lifetap. Make sure you use ‘Consecration’ at the right time. Mulligan for redemption, two-drops and consecration.
    Any Priest: 35/65. Wait what? A deck that is weak to priest? Priest has an insane amount of board clears along with ‘shadow-words’. Also watching your ‘Tirion’ getting entombed is not a good feeling. Fortunately priest does not show up in ladder. Mulligan for huge toad to play around ‘Northshire cleric’, harvest golem and you can keep Mysterious Challenger if you have coin.