Inner Fire “You’re Dead!” Priest Deck

Class: Priest - Format: mammoth - Type: midrange - Season: season-47 - Style: fun

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General Mulligans

Cards you should be looking for. Always keep Northshire Cleric. 

Aggro Mulligans

Against aggro definitely try to get these cards. However, you could also look for something like Radiant Elemental to try to keep board control against aggro decks, especially if you go first.

Control Mulligans

Against control try to establish a board presence but focus on getting the combo quickly because you will lose against most control decks once the game has been going on for more than 7 rounds. Try to get Shadow Visions/Divine Spirit/Inner fire in your opening hand to set up for a combo early. 

A deck I found online which I changed up a bit. Added more Silence to counter Voidlord and other large minions which could prevent you from landing you’re 30 damage hit on face. I often find it useful to save a  Silence incase your opponent drops a sudden taunt just before you do you’re combo.

You could probably change Novice Engineer for Loot Hoarder but I prefer the Novice Engineer because it gives your direct draw this is especially good later into the game.

Additionally, if you run into many aggro decks you could change your two Curious Glimmerroots for two Tar Creepers. I prefer the Curious Glimmerroot because it (almost always) gives you a card that can surprise your opponent and it can be annoying for them to deal with. 

You could do some minor changes like maybe changing Kabal Songstealer for something, you could run Stormwind Knight if you find that you often lack board presence, but this is rarely is a problem for me. However, a Charge 20/20 (with potential for more) is always good and that fact could justify it’s inclusion in the deck and is definitely something I switch in every now and then when playing this, but this is due to the large amount of taunt control warlocks.

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