Drumkit Control Warrior (Standard / Festival of Legends)

Class: Warrior - Format: wolf - Type: control - Season: season-110 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

You pretty much always want to mulligan for either  a drumkit or a weapons expert to draw one. By the time you're ready to clear, you should have drawn a forged in flame. Treasure guard is also a good keep.

Aggro Mulligans

Keep brawl and/or zilliax

Control Mulligans

You want to find your ETC to get Rivendare, and then Fizzle either the ETC or Rivendare in case your first one gets silenced or disrupted. 

ETC Band: Bladestorm, Light of the Pheonix, Rivendare Warrider

Description: After trying since the beginning of the expansion to make a control warrior deck that works, I think I finally did it. I call it drumkit control because the kodohide drumkit is the main workhorse in the deck to clear the board and draw cards with forged in flame. I’ve had success against aggro due to the insane armor gain in the deck and the board clear potential of drumkit. I’ve also beaten lots of blood DKs due to the inclusion of Fizzle which gives you a second chance if your rivendare gets patchwerked. Less success against control/thief Priest, because you have to get lucky with your dirty rats and hit their ETC, and they use drown a lot. In order to solve warrior’s card draw problem, I included two copies of forged in flame since you will almost always have a drumkit up until your ready to clear the board due to the inclusion of weapons expert, which makes your drumkits very consistent. I also added two copies of treasure guard for card draw and protection, and because they are less clunky than AOP/bladestorm you wont need  bladestorm anyway with 2 drumkits and 2 brawls. Overall, this deck is super fun and it never feels frustrating to play like many other control warrior decks I’ve tried this expansion. 

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