Dragon/Combo Warlock

Class: Warlock - Format: wild - Type: combo - Season: season-25 - Style: ladder

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Hello Everyone,

My name is Madcap and I am a legend hearthstone player. For a long
time I have been very interested in the play style and decision making involved
in combo/control warlock decks. These decks have a very high skill level one
mistake in many cases can lose you the game. A few months back now Purple
brought a very interesting deck Malygos warlock to Dreamhack. Ever since then I
have wanted to create a modified version of this deck and here is what I’ve

Why Alexstrasza?

Alex for me really makes this a great deck. First of, its an 8/8,
it does a lot of damage if it sticks. Secondly Malygos really isn’t enough to
outright kill your opponents, so you need something to lower them down. Some
games are very hard to get on board, for example a Druid can easily out value
you on board, so Alexstrasza makes sure you can come back from that. Alex is
also a great life gain, it can keep you out of Druid combo range from Druid and
give you a win over that scumbag Hunter or Shaman. You will find against
warrior for example, they will struggle to remove a lot of the minions you will
drop, therefore they get removals that are poor value, so when you do drop that
Alex they will struggle to remove it and normally find it hard to life gain in
the shame turn meaning you can grab the win. (The same goes for Priest). I
really think that Alex gives this deck the edge it needed to be viable in

Wait Where is the Imp-losion?

Imp-losion is a card that I
have a love hate relationship with. Sure when you role a 3/4 its amazing, but
if your like me and RNG has never liked you, then imp-losion is potentially a
card that can lose you the game. There is no doubt that it works well with
Azure Drake and Malygos, but if you don’t have them on board it is so risky to
play. I basically swapped them out and put twilight drakes in instead and I
have been doing a lot better since.  

Card Swaps?

There is a few card swaps I
can suggest. A lot of these Combo Warlock decks run BGH x2, I really have no
problem with this I think it can defiantly work, if I had 31 spaces it would be
the card I would add in. If your RNG is on point sure take the Imp-losions, but
I am of the opinion they aren’t very good. Bane of Doom is another card you
could add in, it works well with Azure and Malygos if you can manage that. The
last card I would consider is a Bloodmage Thalnos, it is 2 mana and you get a
card and spell damage, enough said. 


Go play the deck have fun with it, I played it in legend March
2016 and it was doing pretty well! Go and give it a go and any feedback you
have on the deck would be great. This is my no means a finished deck, I need
other peoples suggestions to get it there!

If you have read this far thanks a lot and I look forward to
reading your comments 🙂


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  1. RufasGuts
    May 2, 2016 at 10:34 pm

    Hey Man, any plan on creating a new version of this that fits in standard format? I made a Warlock deck just recently that uses Dragon Synergy, then Malygos as a finisher (sometimes not even necessary). Check it out and let me know what you think!
